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So it seems like many people have their 1 main and that is it. Am I the only person...


Fen Latte

I have my time split up between Lucio, Zarya, Winston, D.Va, and Zen. I used to main Mercy (240+ hours rip) but once everyone started to main her, I spent time on the tanks. I def prefer being able to switch roles or heroes to better help my team!

I'm learning Tracer but I def can't play her at a Masters level, which is where I'm at :'^(

Nathan Gould

When I first started playing Overwatch I played Mei constantly. But the more I played, the more I started to gravitate towards Lucio. Most of the time I play him with Mei and Sombra thrown in here and there

Janinho Mulyano A

Nope, I'm a flex. Just recently learned how to aim better, so now I can actually play widow and McCree to my full potential.
But honestly I fill in with quick play, or if I feel like playing a hero I choose before the team does. But most of the time a tank or support is needed. So those are where is Spind most of my time.

Chris Gouw

i'm the same, i have most of my hours on, but then became a Zarya main season 3, Reinhardt season 4, then he died due to bugs + dive comp and i became a tank flex + support player season 5, i now spend my time playing anything required and have a pretty balanced hero pool

Skeleven Rotkillski

I can and do play everyone but widow genji and doomfist

Alex Waithe

Well having a main can still mean u play other characters. But yeah i play all tanks besides hog

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