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So i played a bunch on console but got myself a PC, if anyone has any advice at all im...


Ryan Johnston

So i played a bunch on console but got myself a PC, if anyone has any advice at all im all ears!

Chylan Shilo Mackenzie

mouse sensitivity up, fiddle around with ur aim marker!!! have fun!

Cas Harrison

your sense/dpi will start off high but id recommend slowly moving it down when you feel like you're not hitting as many shots as you think you can (tracer/genji tend to do better with higher DPI but it's all personal preference), lots of practice range/ana easy bots in custom + deathmatch/QP

Zayne George

Dont do ranked when you hit lvl 25 you may have game sense but it takes ages to get good with mouse, i made the mistake, now im stuck in gold when i have the skill to take of high plat low diamonds

Kell Tennyson

Just practice. I was such a potato when I switched from Xbox to pc, but first season of comp I did I placed higher on pc than I ever did Xbox.

I keep my sensitivity to around 12-16 depending on the hero

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