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So I made a video about a problem I keep seeing with a lot of Moira's. This may just...


Michael Moncure

So I made a video about a problem I keep seeing with a lot of Moira's. This may just be an issue in my ELO but has anyone else noticed that so many Moira's neglect to really heal anything? I realized this when I got silver healing as a roadhog (we had a mercy and moira on our team) and I know the mercy was doing her job haha. It's my first time doing this kind of video so if you do decide to watch it just know it maybe a little rough :-/ But seriously am I the only one having this issue?

Micah Young

I tend to find myself healing more than I do damage. Feels good to outheal an Ana or Mercy as her lol

Sean Michael Benedetti

Expect many people under diamond to play her agressivly.... but honestly she should be played like lucio with a more damage potential. .. heal orbs are good when she is out of position and needs to buy some heal time before she can faze back and cover them in mustard. Other wise she should press up behind another player in order pocket them with mustard and extra dps.

Saren Meserkhani

If I have a lot of healing spray, I fire damage orb and spray heals. If I'm low on spray, fire heal orb and suck health for more spray. Repeat until 5 gold medals.

Ben Suskic

The damge orb is op if you can bounce it off corners but so is the healing orb. The only problem is shes in qp so its not organised games. Her group healing is amazing but its not really worth her using her resources on 1 player, unless its a main tank

Cory M Hylton

I try to heal but when my entire team is DPS running in completely random basis, I gotta do what I need to survive.

Maggie Wright

I've seen this.
A friend of mine was playing sombra and outhealed our Moira by 2k

Brendan Rogers

As someone who’s trying to main Moira, yeah I do tend to forget to use the heal option. But it’s not always so easy. Her heal stream isn’t very accurate and doesn’t reach far. Plus her heal orb bounces around and doesn’t heal fast enough for it to be viable at a distance. However she’s great when you need to drain health in a group. I’ve gotten gold healing almost every time i play as her. The teams with Moira on them need to help keep her safe if they want to be healed. If I’m getting hit by someone and nobody is helping me, I’m not going to heal you when I’m dying. Especially when I can throw a drain orb to regain health while draining with my left trigger.

Alex Strickland-Vazquez

I heal more than I DPS, I usually only DPS low health targets or when my resource meter is low. I rarely throw out my healing orb though, just cause the dmg one in a teamfight USUALLY tends to be more useful.

David Saravia

Shes a great healer ..
U need to git gud

Chris Hayward

Moira damaging can be good. I have more of a problem with the Moira's so afraid of doing anything other than healing that they never help kill anything and seem to have no presence in the team.

Cory M Hylton

She’s a good finisher.

Aries Viera

She aoe bust heals. Her heals are on a cool-down AND a resource bar so you should play with those facts in mind. It's not unlimited like mercy/zen and it's not as fast as Ana so stay safe

Lucas Conrad

as mercy main i managed to fully eleminate this problem

Chris Hayward

Moira damage can sway a team fight almost as well as healing. And if I can't heal another hero, oftentimes they're taking damage they don't need to or getting focused too well.

Ryan Stoops

When does Moira go live in comp? I'm tired of this quickplay madness

Jessica Aldrich

Her heals are lit. I've been consistently out healing every other healer when we even have a 2nd healer. Her damage is good for finishing and self defense. The hurty ball can be good to throw in conjunction with something like a push in an enclosed area or a Hanzo ult to scrape off anyone who just barely dodged it. But I agree with OP, stick to her healing and watch your team be immortal

Ryan Lewis

I try to heal when someone is close other wise I'm throwing balls at people I really hope she doesn't get nerfed

Cory M Hylton

She works great with a spearhead. She isn’t great with the “fan out.”

Alexander Bottoms

I try to keep up with both

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