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So I’m a long time PC OW user here, and I recently tried out OW on ps4, how the fuck...


Stephen Fawcett

So I’m a long time PC OW user here, and I recently tried out OW on ps4, how the fuck do people aim with these garbage controllers and how do I get better on console?

Franklin Xavier Gifford

Aim Assist

Joanna Szczubeł

Lol, I play overwatch on console for a year now and I'm totally not used to mouse and keyboard and I could ask the same question - how the hell use this? I thought aiming would be much easier than on console but for most of the time I don't know what is going on around me :D

Brandon Schramm

You have to do a lot of fiddling with the settings. Unfortunately it will never be as accurate as PC. Ignore people who treat aim assist the same as 76's ult. It's more accurately when your reticle comes a target it's like a bit sticky. Helpful sometimes, but there's been plenty of times I've been aiming at one person and someone passes in front of me so my camera focuses on them and not who I'm actually aiming for

Mitch Rhodes

I just did that with x box.
My aim is awesome with a mouse but trash with a controller.
I recommend just exploiting console players lack of positioning and communication.
If you know where to stand, you don't have to aim!

Brandon Schramm

Also experiment with the dual zone, exponential ram, and linear ramp functions for the right stick. They all ramp up movements at different rates so I recommend trying each

Savannah Dey Carden

Practice.... It took me lots of practice LOL

Jamal Green

For the love of god turn aim assist off lol and depending on character change sensitivity and other related settings,I have custom settings for every character I use all with aim assist off cause I promise you it will ruin your gameplay help sometimes but not most

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