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Quick question: how long should you wait to play a hero in Comp? (I’ve played 3 hours...

  • Thread starter Reece Rhaegar Elvaryen
  • Start date

Antonio Domino Jr.

If you’re playing Moira right, she will be balanced between dmg and kills ideally, BUT not every game happens to be that easy so it doesn’t matter what your play style is just win

Cory Allen

No matter how much you play her comp will always be a different playstyle. Once she hits comp give her a try and see how you do. If you start to struggle switch off and try when you can. Or if you want to just grind to get better expect to lose a few and make bad plays but you'll pick her up

Matthew Robinson

yea moira might get nerfed before she goes live into comp. i get potg like 50 percent of the time.her heal shower is ok too but her heal ball really makes her heals op. same with damage too, i can generally kill a genji or kill a pharah and winstons jump cooldown is too long to keep up with her. shes a little op honestly in the right hands. if she gets nerfed itll be interesting to see what they do nerf.

Donald K. Farmer

I always say 6 to 8 hours before comp

Reece Deschambeault

Ay whats good mofucka we share this name

Kevin Thurman

The only stat the matters is sr

Eric Graves

Get plenty of practice with specific characters that are good for just about anything me I have the most playtime on Reaper with more than 30 hours and being a damage character he's good for just about anything, and on defense I mainly go either Torb or Mei

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