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PSA TO MERCY PLAYERS: Alright, I'm not sure who started this trend, but it's getting...


Mike Lusareta


Alright, I'm not sure who started this trend, but it's getting annoying. Every Mercy I see thinks they should be focusing heals on tanks and focusing rez's on dps (or tanks too?).

Don't do that. Stop it. It makes no sense.

Reinhart does not need heals or damage boost as he sits there with his shield up. Same with Orisa. Zarya should be managing her bubble and regenerating shields herself, and roadhog HAS a heal. DVA has matrix and literally an extra life.

Meanwhile, your dps are getting spammed or are trying to dive the enemy backline who very frequently have people healing THEM. It's difficult to pull off a 1v2. Make it a 2v2. Your tanks should be able to handle themselves for a minute, as they stand in roughly the same position. DPS however have a lot more active work to do, and you can't always get to a health pack.

Rezzing tanks is good. Tanks have something like 500 hp. Tanks are difficult to kill. So if you rez a tank, you're getting a lot more value out of that rez than if you rez a 200 hp hero who will probably get instantly focused as he glows bright yellow and lets the enemy team know where he is for free shots.

If a genji/doomfist/tracer/whoever dives backline and dies, unless they're on point or in some very specific situation where they can do work alive, don't rez them. I am not sure why Mercy players have some fetish for literally diving into all 6 of the enemy team, who are standing on a genji corpse, just to rez genji, and promptly watch him die again. And usually die themselves too. Stop it.

Obviously there are exceptions and situations where you would want to do things differently, but I have seen way too many mercy's who think sitting behind a tank racking up heal numbers is their job. Your job is to increase survivability and to enable your teammates to do their job. Tanks already HAVE survivability, and have an easy job. Put your heals on the people who need it.

TLDR: Stop focusing heals on tanks, start focusing heals on dps, start rezzing tanks, stop rezzing dps.

PS: As a side note, if you jump onto a dps and start healing or damage boosting them, that's a sign that says "Hey I've got you, you can peek that corner or do something, you won't instantly die." So please god, don't jump on your dps, then IMMEDIATELY ditch them as they peek the corner. You're baiting them into dying so hard and I don't think you realize it.

Angelo Ignacio

As a Mercy who zips in the battle field like a bee pollinating flowers, I agreed.

Dhanj Narasimhan

It's never black and white, if both a DPS and tank need healing then use your best judgement and not that "tanks have priority" bullshit

Natalie Kay

Honestly I'll just heal who needs healing thanks

Amanda Kristeen Zimmer

I think any blanket statements for healers isn't....feasible? Or sound, I guess. It's not just 'rez tanks', it needs to be rez whoever will be the most benefit. If you can rez someone that puts the numbers in your favor, that's a good call. Rezzing someone with an ult to clear or cap is also a good call.

Stacy Schwartz

...this is stupid... Healers should.keep the tanks alive while the DPs go behind and kill the enemies. Sorry but I won't heal a 76 since he has a self heal, Genji can easily find a health pack, Tracer has a rewind and every time I heal a tracer they blink away from me then whine they died, mccree I can never find since their always hiding, reapers can heal themselves with self heals, doom can legit make a self sheild for himself, Sombra can teleport to a health pack she hacked, mei can self heal herself, Jamison sure needs the heals but most are right in the battle so I ain't going in with them.

This is how I see it when I play any healer. I legit tell my team, I won't heal them if they spam they need healing or thanks over and over. I'll tell them I'll switch off healer if they keep playing like shit. I been pushed around as a healer, especially when I'm Lucio. Oh you want heals, then group up and stand in my damn circle!

Eh, I just been playing healer and tanks since closed beta so I guess I'm salty about this post.

Mike Gonzales

Im going to heal who needs healing it doesn't matter what they're doing thats my job as a healer

Adam Schroeder

Basically... this post is tldr and heal how you see fit. Good judgement is your friend here.

Ebony Rose

Just out of curiosity Mike, do you play Mercy (or any healer) often? :)

As someone who fills and plays Mercy more often than I'd like, I personally just heal who needs it and damage boost when I feel it'll help

Joseph Milazzo

He's right doe

Adam Jamali

How about heal whoever needs it? Most of the time DPS players won't protect you (the healer) in danger, but a tank almost always will. DPS players usually run off and leave you to die. Even in a group

Robert Evitt

I think if you are a healer you have a responsibility to heal everyone. The only complaint i have. If you are moving the payload or capturing the point you shouldn't have a character push too far forward out of the healers reach. Especially when you know your supposed to complete an objective

Johnny Walker

The problem is that mercys want to rez instead of heal. Which is really annoying when you're zarya

Harley Hong

i suspect you are a dps main that will never tank or never heal. people like you don't deserve heals.

Mar Smith

This is the longest and stupidest post I've seen on here. Congrats u are the first at something .

Mocha Persona

Everyone saying "heal whoever needs it" must not play a lot of overwatch.
9 times out of 10, EVERYONE is going to need it.
This isnt world of warcraft.
It's not just the tanks getting battered.

Anthony Rise

I have recently picked up mercy, and I've learned a few things, I've rezzed a reaper in an enemy group of 6, why cause he had ULT and the enemy didn't have a tank, I've also rezzed a junkrat who was sniped by widow, why? Cause he does a shit ton of damage to enemy shields who the enemy had a orisa and rein. I rezzed tanks as well. My point is this, playing mercy isn't easy because you have to read what's going on and make the best decision possible, so if you aren't getting rezzed don't be salty, and just talk to the mercy player

Colten Carver

If you think Tanks aren’t a priority heal then you don’t really understand support...

Savanna Hughes

I got resurrected as out-of-mech dva into the entire enemy team by myself in Comp tonight because - as Mercy put it - she was “desperate”. We both died. Not worth. They were going to capture the point either way.

Dartis Wright

"Whaaaaa, my healer won't heal me because I am standing in front of Orisa or Reinhardt shield!"

"Whaaaaa, I died because I was caught out!!! Rez me Mercy!!!"

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