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(PS4, sorry, saving for PC) Idk if this is allowed even but I see a lot of posts about...


Fay Han

(PS4, sorry, saving for PC)
Idk if this is allowed even but I see a lot of posts about people not being able to escape bronze and how terrifying it is o.o
ELO Hell can be rly annoying. If you’re stuck in bronze and rly wanna get an account to silver or gold (and you trust me with your account), PM me and I’ll level you when I get the time!!

Or if I ever get my smurf a high enough level I can group with you for like as long as my placements take!!

Richard Miller

Basically, trust a stranger with your account and they’ll boost you so you can look like a fake plat/diamond. GG Scamaz

Tenzing Dawa

Trust me

Kit Snow

Who just entrusts their stuff to complete strangers? You're either stupid or just really don't give a fuck, huh

Noman Saleem

He can't steal the account though. Ypu can easily retrieve your account if you don't tell him the password of you email address connected with PSN. I see no issue here

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