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(PS4 player) So lately, I've been solo queuing because I've found that I've been...


Michael Diroff

(PS4 player)
So lately, I've been solo queuing because I've found that I've been getting better results that way. Went from finally making it past 2321 SR, which has been my Career High since Season 3(when I first started playing Comp), to making it to 2419, my new Career High. I felt like I was finally going to get into Platinum.

But as of yesterday and just a few minutes ago, matchmaking decided to say "fuck you" and started queuing me with people who had mics but didn't bother to use em during the match(two instances include one guy playing a voice clip before the match started and another not using it until after the match just to insult someone that told him to switch off of Soldier. Ironically enough, both instances happened in Blizzard World, A.K.A "Fuck You, the map".) and people that WERE on mic but didn't do callouts. As a result, I'm now sitting at 2320, 1 SR below what my Career High was for six seasons.

As you can probably tell, I'm pissed. Because solo queuing had me drop almost 100 SR, I refuse to solo queue anymore. If anyone here who plays on PS4 needs a Tank or Support player for a team(preferably one that just needs one more player to get a six stack going and everyone in it has mics to use), let me know here in the comments.

Henry Cain

I'm at a solid 2600 right now I dropped from 2750 I feel

John Pacitto

I’m having a hard time clawing out of silver/gold. I always have shit teams and am a flex

Trey Harris

Here's a bit of info that may be a bit controversial: Don't use a mic in gold. At least not if you're doing solo queue. An organized group, totally use it. But in solo queue, chances are your teammates, even if they are listening, will not know what to actually do with your callouts. You can give these ppl all the info in the world and it won't matter because they will probably ignore it in favor of doing some other stupid shit. Then there's the fact that often times these ppl have a hard time even mechanically playing their character, so team chat can even make them play worse. Then of course you have your ragers, and ppl who are in team chat but only use it at the very end to say that the heals or tanks sucked and that's why you lost. I dropped team chat and climbed to plat quickly.

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