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Overwatch League teams consist of Widow,D.Va,Winston,Tracer,Zen,Mercy The occasional...


Revan Renaldi

Oh please, this meta has been one of the most diverse meta ever. Remember triple tank when all you see are Rein Hog D.Va Ana Lucio and 76 with occasional Zarya shooting at Rein's barrier and D.Va matrix? Or when the actual dive comp is countered by dive meta where all you see is Winston D.Va Lucio Zen Tracer Genji with Genji swapped by a 76 if the team don't have a Genji player? It has been one of the best pro metas so far

Patricio E Gandara

Unless u are Jake and only plays junkrat... (im trolling, dont like that guy)

Inzam Ahmed

I've seen Junkrat, 76, Mei, Reaper, Doomfist, Hanzo, Bastion, Hog, even Torb.
Not sure what you're trying to say here. One of the most diverse metas so far and people still complaining :/

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