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PC Open world chat idea is stupid. If I'm in game with headphones and a mic, I want to...


Darin Ferraro

Open world chat idea is stupid. If I'm in game with headphones and a mic, I want to "engage" with someone standing in front of me over voice chat. I want to play eye of the tiger during patrols so everyone around me can hear it. I want to click Guardians names in game and send them an invite for a strike, etc with the option to respond yes or no over my mic. All of this should have a simple filter so you can opt in/out of it. THE LAST thing I want to do is TYPE to someone when I'm shooting something thats shooting at me in open world. #leavemealone #strangerdanger

Jeff Tomlinson

This, among other things. I don't get why people INSIST that we need an in-game general chat. If you have friends, you likely use VC. If you have a clan, you likely use VC.

Mark Andrew Guthrie

Nobody uses open world chat to communicate in a fire fight so youre entire post is irrelevant, that is precisely what the in game chat that exists or 3rd party programs are for like Discord. The problem is being forced out of game into whatever means you can to find groups etc and not being able to communicate with your own clan on a broad scale in a simple fashion without that. It's dumb and exists in every other game ever.

Desmond Buquing

It would make it a lot easier to find people for shit to do in all honesty. Like why tab out of game, open your web browser go to fb, go to this gorup and ask for 2 people to do ____ when you can just be like whose down for a ____ in a general chat.

Kamil Guderian Ornat

Local chat. So i can explain how to do heroic events lol

Jesse Webster

It would be to create groups for the group events.
Basically you’d be able to do in game what everyone is doing in groups like this.
“Looking for more for Nightfall”
“Need 2 more for Leviathan”

Why in the world shouldn’t we be able to do that in game? And then once you’re in the group, you switch to voice chat.

Luís Pedro Oliveira

Because You shouldnt leave the game to find groups

Jared Marr

Some kind of local voice chat.

Just so I can explain heroic events...

Or say hey, let's go here sheep!

Luís Pedro Oliveira

A system like clan chat or World chat where People could find groups Would be a major improvement to the game

Ken Smith

Im still trying to find out wth you all are talking about every time i play my game chat is empty all day. I watched a friend use it yesterday to telll some players he was dicking around with he was afk and i looked at it like it was an exotic. Like “holy shit they actually talk back to you on that thing?!”

Wheres this party planet you all are chatting it up on i want it!

Jesse Webster

It’s funny, if you scroll through the posts in this group it literally is Trade Chat Destiny Edition. Lol

James Scott

I disagree...something like a world chat for social areas only would be great

Damon Wolf

You're missing nothing. Trade chat in wow is mostly used for discussing politics and perceived social offenses.

Adam Welch

You playing eye of the tiger or whatever other random bullshit is exactly why I hate and refuse to use voice chat unless content absolutely demands it. You can't have 6 random nerds and one of them not be brutally annoying or talk way too much. But like I said, I'll be perfectly happy with some lfg queuing or something.

Matt Ardle

I agree, I wish I could go into town and find people of have some type of in game party finder system

Teh Ee Teng

the bottom line is that chat system exists for people who enjoys the benefit from it, meanwhile doing no harm to those who would not like it... therefore for those who aboslutely dictate against it are but bunch of imposing pricks

John Cruickshank

Being forced to leave the game and use 3 different platforms to communicate and form group is inexcusable. They should have all of that in game, including a nightfall/ raid channel. Also nightfall should be part of playlist

Michael Nobbs

Which is why tower chat, and clan chat, would be nice. But world chat would be ridiculous.

Kenny Kjällgren

A chat would make life easier not an app or bungies page. At least local and in tower hub should have a chat and a option to leave chat for people who dont like it just my opinion

Michael Nobbs

Yeah exactly. Like, anyone who didn't want to use the chat doesn't have to.

They've already announced clan and tower chat channels coming. So atleast we're getting those. Then the "Social spaces" might actually start to feel social.

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