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Ok so this is how the placements work: Your win/loss ratio has minimal effect. What...


Kaan Bilge

Ok so this is how the placements work:

Your win/loss ratio has minimal effect. What matters is your performance and the rank from the previous season.

Let's say you finished the last season at 2500. You'll get matched with players with similar ranking on your first placement match.

No matter if you win or lose, the system will check your stats (healing, damage blocked, damage dealt etc. and lots of other hidden stats we can't see) and will decide if you performed well or not.

If you did well, you'll get matched in a higher rank match, let's say 2525. If you performed worse, you'll get matched in a lower rank match. Like around 2475.

You can observe this by paying attention to the difficulty of matches you're playing. I finished at 2850 last season. In my first 3 matches I performed very nice, had all gold medals etc. but still lost them. Then it got harder, I performed worse and worse and in my last 2 matches I literally had zero medals, I didn't do bad but my team was so good that I couldn't get a chance to do anything, simply got carried and won but my stats were awful. Those latest games were probably around 3100 sr so the game decided that I don't deserve that rank and placed me at 3017.

If I did good in those last matches maybe I'd be higher. This is how the system works.

A word of advice btw:
I've always played Pharah and Zenyatta in competitive for 5+ seasons because they were my "competitive main"s. I never practiced them in qp because I was already good with them. But it appears that I was Plat level good with them and I made the mistake of not improving myself with these heroes, I always played McCree in qp. No matter how much I improve myself, I never got the courage to pick McCree in competitive. That was my mistake. I was playing at Diamond level with McCree but I kept picking my Plat level heroes.

If you perform very well consistently with a hero in qp, start picking that hero in competitive as well. Or you'll be forever stuck in your current rank.

This is not the case for Diamond and higher btw, Diamond and higher will be based on win/loss so you should pick what is best for the team after that rank since stats don't matter anymore.

Sorry for the long post, hope it was helpful.

Aaron Angeles

If this is true then this is helpful.

Davey Anthony

Yes, it is true.

Davey Anthony

I lost all my games and placed high diamond

Jamos Attens

Thanks mate makes sense now

Pierrick Charlebois

What about heroes that aren't so much about gold medals but all around? Like, maybe I'm just scrub but if I'm not the only support, Ana shouldn't get anywhere near a gold medal in healing compared to some other. Especially mercy, Ana is supporting in many other ways though, sleeping, anti healing, occasional sniper sniping. But those won't land gold medals. So basically playing ana in placement means ranking lower than other hero?

Aaron Noda

Commenting to come back to this when i finish work.

Donny Juan

Stop this immidiately, you're encouraging ppl to pick against their team and to rage in this group when they dont get matched as high as they thought.

also I think you're mostly wrong.

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