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My fellow McCree mains, I need some advice for stunning Genjis consistently. I know...


Kaan Bilge

My fellow McCree mains, I need some advice for stunning Genjis consistently.

I know every tactic so don't bother posting the known methods, they don't work on high ranked Genjis.

When I face a Genji I wait for his deflect then try ro stun overhead. However it only works against Genjis on Diamond or lower. Any Genji that knows what he's doing is impossible to stun.

I try to stun overhead but they instantly jump and still manage to deflect it. Or sometimes they just get VERY close instantly and activate deflect on my face, if I try to stun overhead the flashbang goes behind them and they don't get caught in the aoe. I try to stun the ground (literally my feet) but thanks to the broken hitbox of deflect it still stuns me. So I have no option other than waiting for the deflect to end but then he instantly headshots me with 3 shurikens & dashes, killing me.

I can easily kill a Genji that's harassing a teammate but if he's focused on me it's really hard. Deflect is not really predictable either because they can cancel it anytime by dashing. Whenever I fight a Genji I kill him 50% of the time and I really want to improve that. The videos I watched didn't help at all because no pro Genji behaves like that.

I really love playing McCree despite his flaws and I improved my aim but I guess I'll always struggle against Genjis.

Fahmy Magdy

Marwan Ashraf

Chan Ding Hao

When he's jumping flash to the right/left near the floor. If ur near a wall, flash the wall if the Genji is close enough.

Genji Shimada

Throw flash at floor, on your feet when he's nearby

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Apart from flashing overhead or the ground, your best bet it to bait the deflect. Melee. Sometimes, the simple action will make him pop deflect off. You need to be careful and break out of the habit of instantly flashing when you're getting dived

Cris Olsen

Do the unexpected. Flash him head on . No jk flash to his sides. If he is in your face flash the floor and fan the hammer

John Sutherland

You say you wait till deflect is done so what are you doing for those 8 seconds that causes you to be deflected??

Brandon Larren

Flash over his head when he's deflecting.
Flash on the ground if he's dashing

Adrian Sampani

Flashbang to the flooooooorrrrr

Adib Dimassi

As a McCree main with about 100hrs i have 5 tips:
1-as soon as u see genji try to stun over the head before he even think about deflecting
2-if you are going to wait till he deflect just wait a little longer until his deflect is over
3-melee they will think u are about to stun them or roll into the genji
4- never stun the floor or the surface around u it will rarely work(easier said than done) because his hitbox is big and his head is the only blind spot thats why a stun over the head is the solution most of the time
5-play genji , trust me 80% of the process of learning how to counter a hero is to play that hero, i can counter a genji easily or even tracer because i play them
I can easily predicte where tracer will recall and have my stun ready for her same with genji

Walter Greenwood

When he dashes straight on to you flash the ground as he’s dashing onto you so you know he can’t get deflect off in time, besides that I’m in the same boat as you. I guess it’s just best to have patience and wait for a good opportunity, as long as he doesn’t kill you first

Trevor Villamor

Flashbang the ground in front of the genji?

Rohan Thorat

I am currently 3400 tracer genji main an when i play mcc what i like to do is flash the genji when he is in dash animation that works perfectly into a right click combo an when i am genji i dont usually dash into mcc unless i know abt his flash cd an if i doo dash i make sure i am behind quite a distance so i dont get stunned

Sean Patrick Carrigan

Better players are just better. 50% win rate isn’t awful; it indicates equal skill levels so it’s like a coin toss.

Austin Miller

Just beat those shimada cheeks and he will be stunned

Keenan Hubbard

First sentence, asks for help. Second sentence, says our help isn't good enough cuz he's on a "high level" what a twat lol

Charley Yi

Stun feet
It's like that with soldier rockets too you usually try to hit feet

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