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PS4 My buddy told me that he saw a GameStop interview over the weekend that stated that...


Jonathan Barnes

My buddy told me that he saw a GameStop interview over the weekend that stated that Ragnarok will only include the Griffin on official servers, some kind of incentive thing. Does anyone know if this is legit, and if so, what does that mean for unofficial rented servers? I have found absolutely nothing online, so I'm kind of doubting it. Thank you.

Scott Hutchins

Admin commands will correct this on unofficial

Heather Albert

It honestly wouldn't surprise me

Jonathan Barnes

Nevermind, we finally found the article. It was from Gamespot, not GameStop, and the part he's talking about says this...

"While Ark is primarily a Sci-Fi universe, we have already dabbled pretty deep into fantasy themes with Ark: Scorched Earth, adding Wyverns, Rock Elementals, and the ruins of an ancient human civilization obsessed with worshipping the Obelisks and the Manticore. More recently, we added an exciting Griffin that can be tamed on the official Ragnarok mod map. Be sure to check this stuff out if you haven't already, and remember that Ragnarok will be coming to consoles at the end of August!"

So yeah, he's just dumb, lol. Sorry for the confusion.

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