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Moira is the best healer as she can easily outheal every other support, period.


Savannah Dey Carden

I've out healed lots of Mercys as Moira.

However I feel like Moira excels as a secondary healer, so she can pump out more dps, but that just how I like to play.

Maxwell Searcy

Technically Zenyatta can outheal all other supports in the game; it’s just unlikely. His ultimate lasts 6 seconds and can output heals at 1500HP/s. That’s 9000HP healing possible each time he ults.

There is nothing in the game that comes close to that kind of healing.

Edit: maths were wrong

Jeroen Berghmans

I just wanne see that happening. :p A moira do more healing than damage/kills. :p

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