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Mercy mains already bragged on the forum about Mercy's changes and now that Sombra has...


Muhammad Ayesh Muneeb

Wtf? The patch is live for like an hour or two ago. People already started complaining? Sombra deserves some spotlight too. Get the f off hateds

Chestius Pockets

OP, serious suggestion on how to deal with sombra.

Install TF2, and play capture the flag. Play ONLY defense and either defend you engineer, or play AS an engineer. Focus on dealing with spies.

This sounds whack, but trust me. It will make dealing with Sombra east

Chris Hayward

Upgrade to game of the year? Why? If you already have the game, all you get are loot boxes. Or am I missing something?

Chloée Jones

I agree with this, because now Sombra is going to have a higher pick-rate for all the wrong reasons. I main Sombra and she was fine the way she was, people are now only going to pick her to piss about and hack the shit out of everyone but not attack the point or hack healthpacks. Frankly her being able to hack passive abilities is way too OP, it takes the fun out of playing the people affected (Genji, Pharah, Lucio and Mercy.) Saying that Sombra is now ‘balenced’ is stupid, She was fine how she was but Overwatch had to ruin yet another character. Thanks Overwatch.

Stephanie Fufu Lody

idk I've always felt like Sombra was a really effective hero potentially but also required a lot of skill to use effectively? this is the first change I've disagreed with as much as I do. I know there were nerfs along with the buffs, and maybe a /small/ buff would have been warrented... but this seems like too much.

Graylin Cook Jr.

People who suck always have something to complain about.

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