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Long rant time. Honestly. I'm getting sick and tired of these, "pros," asking for...


Jay Vishwanath

Long rant time.

Honestly. I'm getting sick and tired of these, "pros," asking for Mercy to be removed from the game, or having rez removed from the game.

I've been a Reinhardt/Mercy main since open beta.

I've adjusted and adapted to the Mercy changes without much complaint, and I have NEVER one tricked in my life (Thanks Medic from TF2), but this is going too far.

Rez has been around since the beginning of Overwatch.

The first few seasons of Overwatch went by without a hitch, and rez was WAY more powerful than it is now.

Remember that rez? The one where you could rez 2, 3, 4 or even 5 people simultaneously?

No one complained back then, despite rez being FAR more powerful than it is now.

You are over a YEAR AND A HALF TOO LATE to be bitching about how, "waaaah rez iz op."

If you think rez is OP now, you might not want to watch older gameplay vids of Mercy.

You'd probably scream and blow your brains out.

Mercy is NOTHING now compared to what she used to be.

I remember a time when I actually GOT SHIT for playing Mercy.
People were all, "Hurr she haz nu mobility, blah, blah, blah."
Then suddenly everyone started picking her, but no one seems to want to address the reason her pickrate went up so quickly.

The so called, "Pros," are trying to act like she's always been OP, but this isn't the case.

You want to know the REAL reason why Mercy's pickrate skyrocketed?

Ana and Lucio got nerfed and people ditched those heroes and started one tricking with Mercy, which started the nerf cycle.

The so called, "pros," couldn't adjust or adapt to the nerfs and ragequit from those healers, and quickly ran over to the hero they had spat on and bashed since season 1: Mercy.

They sit and complain NOW (A year and a half later) about Mercy and how, "OP she is."

I've only got four words for these people.
Kill the damn Mercy.

Blizzard has made it RIDICULOUSLY easy to kill her.

She literally sits there for 2 seconds, almost totally immobile, while she revives one person every 30 seconds or so (2 if she's using her ult).

It's insanely easy to kill her now.

If you're complaining about Mercy AFTER 3 nerfs and a rework, the problem is YOU, not Mercy.

They'll sit and complain and say that rez negates all their, "hard work and effort," and how their kills get undone by rez.

Again: You want to stop the now super slow and super crappy rez?

Kill. The damn. Mercy.

Do that, instead of whining about, "Muh kills and muh effortz."

Overwatch is a TEAM BASED FPS.

It's about teamwork, not kills.

You want to kill 24/7 and win that way?
Gtfo off Overwatch and go play CoD or Battlefield.

I'm seriously starting to believe that the "pros," saying this crap aren't really good at all.

They're people who only know how to use a hero when they're broken or overpowered, but are totally unwilling to adapt if the hero they use gets nerfed.

Tyler Louis Myers

no one complained....hah ya that must have been why she was Completely reworked right...

Bradley Wilber

You're saying the pro players who compete for the world championships are all wrong and you're right?

Taelyr Parhms

Cold hard facts. *mic drop*

I've been saying this to people for months now

Steve Lawrence

well said hey Jamie Caldwell

Anna Wang

Res is definitely a different monster altogether from what it used to be. Her pick rate sky rocketed ever since her rework, hence why every pro game includes her and never used to. I actually think with a little tweaking, her old res can be perfectly balanced and viable without destroying the game.

Pranshu Cbs Negi

let them bark

Mathieu Berger-Latour

INCOMING LONG RESPONSE. I wanna discuss this what you

Slightly wrong
Initial Mercy was extremely weak. Her healing was bad, survivability was horrible and her rez just made her an open target. Ana drops and we have the strongest healer the game has ever seen.
Buff Mercy to 60 heals/seconde.
Still weak, Ana was wayy to strong.
Ana then took Four nerfs straight to the face and Mercy got yet another buff (invulnerability when Rez).
People think this is where it went wrong. It wasn’t
Ana was still the main healer. Although Mercy did see more light, ressurection was still a bad ultimate.

Ressurection was never the problem

Ressurection was annoying, but it’s still weak. Compared to burst healing and Antiheal nade. Mercy was only good for one thing. Ressurection. She didn’t even need to heal. Blizzard didn’t like it so here comes the rework.
The reason this made Mercy overpowered is because of its strength.
You heal as much as Zenyetta, you have damage boost all around, highest mobility in the game and your heal regen makes you near unkillable. (4 direct shots of McCree to kill Mercy, miss one and it won’t kill her). That was the main problem.
To make it worse, Mercy could triple rez people (nerfed to 2)
The misconpception of many is that they think Mercy is getting nerfed because of rez. It really isn’t. Rez is annoying, but it’s not broken.
Think of it this way,
Valkyrie lasts 20 secondez,
Supercharger lasts 15,
Nano boost lasts 8
Transcendence 6
and Lucio’s is instant.
The 20 secondes makes Mercy a definite Must pick. and it’s not only in the Pro games.
In literally any Grandmaster even high master games. Players are forced, I repeat, Forced to play Mercy if they want to win. This did not apply to Ana ever
If you don’t have a Mercy but the enemy team has one. During a team fight, if the enemy Mercy pops Valkyrie, you will lose the fight. Period

Funfact, After the Ana nerfs and before the Mercy rework, The main healers were Lucio/Zenyetta.

Mercy was always fine during fat rez. It just made Mercy as a whole boring to play. She had a boring playstyle relying on her hiding and pressing Q. Again, her healing was still inferior to Ana’s. Still is btw.
Blizzard wanted to change that.

And shooting down a Mercy isn’t easy. Even if the team full focuses her, in a coordinated game like Overwatch, it’s easy to protect her during Valkyrie.
And in Grandmaster, no Mercy is braindead to the point of being out of position during Valkyrie
Keypoints :
-Resurrection never a problem, annoying but not broken
-Valkyrie is broken and needs adjustments

Suggestions from me (Top 500 flex player) :
Make Valkyrie 15 secondes and slow the health regen during Valkyrie

Let ressurection have its instant cast time and additional slot

Buff Mercy’s regular healing to compete with Ana’s burst healing

Robert Brattain

Guest's true...

Will Blything

Because the rez is such a useful ability it basically means you need to have a mercy on your team all the time and she is generally easier to play than other characters so you’ll probably see her more than an ana for example. It’s gotten to the point where some people say it’s actually throwing if you don’t have a mercy on your team which I’m sure some people are sick of hearing

Carissa Menz


Torri Weis

"Remember that rez? The one where you could rez 2, 3, 4 or even 5 people simultaneously?

No one complained back then, despite rez being FAR more powerful than it is now."

I stopped reading there, because I remember SO MANY FCKIN PEOPLE complaining about that shit, lol.

Amir Goodger

The only reason why pros didnt complain because either they targeted mercy because she was hiding and ddint have a escape move and it was obvious where she was. However, rez has no reason in the game now because it outshine all other support ults. Only in certain situations do other support ults outshine res. The thing is, who would take nano over full health? Besides she isn't fun to use.

Sam Wilkinson

"pros saying this crap aren't really good at all" oh yeah? Why don't you jump into a match with them and see how you fair? Yo seem angry over the nerfs, don't let that make you say stuff that is a bit silly to say.

Antonio Neto

This is a joke of a post xD

Amanda Rose Deschenes

As a Mercy main since closed beta, I feel all of this. I’m incredibly frustrated with having to change my play style over and over, just to find out they’re completely gutting her.

But the bottom line is, while the concept was crazy and cool on release, resurrecting a team mate should not have made it to live with any character. It changes gameplay more than any other ability.

I’d love to see creative ways that allow her to flourish without Rez. But the way they’re gutting her makes me seem like they want to completely destroy her and then work from the ground up... which is super unfair to players.

Yoshi Huo

The reason that they hate rez and always has since the beginning was because its one button destroying your entire ult economy
And now it can be used in a mid fight and valk is basically budget zen and orisa ult
Pros don't need ana and Lucio to be broken to use them
Look at jehong and tobi or gale and stanky (before he quit rip)
Any character is good with enough time put into them
And considering rez is the easiest abilities to execute and has such high value as literally bringing someone back from the dead so they don't need that long ass spawn walk in a game where every kill counts and every death counts harder of course theyre going to abuse her power

Melissa Ann Miller

I feel this, i have loved mercy and played her for a long time now, I keep having to change my play style cause they keep changing her, which i can deal with but they keep just making her worse, that is what i can't deal she is in the PTR is terrible..

Momoko Megz Wiggily

Lloyd Bryant Jason Bandy

Kinz Darell

lul stop complaining and try to adapt with the new changes

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