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I've been playing Overwatch for about a year, and I'm still not very good at it. Does...


Adam James

I've been playing Overwatch for about a year, and I'm still not very good at it. Does anyone have any advice for how to improve? I just struggle with strategic planning.

Jonathan Martin

Tacitcal manueverablity? What is that?

Jordan Kees

What kills you makes you stronger dude. When an enemy wrecks you, learn from it. Snipers? Stay alert and let your team know when you see them so you got some backup. Same with bastion turrets.
DPS goes in quick and usually around enemy. In and out of battle, behind your tanks. Glass cannons, lots of dmg fast but squishy af.
Tank is up front. Use shields and body block for the smaller heroes.
Defense chars tend to stay out of sight but close to team. strategic placement and knowing when to set up camp in another spot is key.
Support stays around tank and DPS. You're squishy af butttt have Dodge and escape abilities. Heals, buffs and res. Lots of movement required, the more you move the harder it is to kill ya. Usually stays in and out of the team crowd.

Uhmmmm take note of health pack locations and don't be afraid to retreat and go grab one.
Don't chase! It's hard to resist but sometimes all you're doing is hurting your team. You're less lethal and more likely to get wrecked on or ambushed alone. Ya team needs you alive! Theres power in numbers

Jordan Kees

Oh and communication is priority. Tell team enemy hero locations when spotted so they can be aware and plan.
Stay positive even when you're getting ya ass kicked. Tell your team thanks when they cooperate and help. Toxic games usually aren't won games.
Group up, don't go in alone man.

Lin Galini

D you play on pc? If yes, try to practice on PTR.

Daniel Christiansen

If you can't communicate, just select your best class and do the role and you will go far.

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