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Is it just my ocd or does anyone else feel you need component types to be from...


Craig Robinson

Is it just my ocd or does anyone else feel you need component types to be from matching manufactures.

Just for example

all storage and memory : corsair( or your brand of choice)
All cooling : corsair (or you brand of choice)
Motherboard, gpu : msi (or your brand of choice)

So and and so forth.

It really bugs me when my system is miss matched.

Josh Sinclair

Mine is at the moment, But my next build will be all Corsair and Asus

Charles Stanley Pannell

It bothers me too but if I get a good enough deal or has better efficiency I will get over it... Eventually.....

André Ewert

There is no set bonus. It bugs me when people buy Corsair RAM because they have a Corsair PSU because they had Corsair cooling because they had a Corsair Keyboard first.
That means corsairs strategy of offering almost everything works. But you can only be the best in something if you focus and specialize. Same thing with water loops and EK. There are better coolers, radiators, pumps, fans... but people buy like there is some kind of advantage.
That said, I like RGB only when synchronized, so I’m stuck with aura-compatible stuff for now.

But if you say „my PC is all $Brandname“ what I hear is „I don’t like to do any research“.

Craig Robinson

So it's just my ocd then

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