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Is doomfist more viable now with a lot of bug fixes weapon spread and Regen time along...


Drew Franko

Is doomfist more viable now with a lot of bug fixes weapon spread and Regen time along with new supports that can keep him alive longer ? If so where do you guys think he will synergize with the most this season ?

Theo van Booma

His bugs still happen so regularly they Mo as well have not bothered with bug fixes

Mitch Dungy

He feels kind of the same to me. I do enjoy the bullet spread now. I still find him fun to play. Lucio + doomfist + genji/tracer + dva/Winston.

Tristan Curtis Young

Sombra buff = doomfist even less viable this season. Feels bad man. One season they will fix doomfist right. But that season is not this season. Sucks that since release he’s been a bad pick. Still have a smurf in diamond and a 78% winrate with him. Cause I only play him on like 4 maps.

Genji Shimada

As someone who plays a lot of doomfist I can gladly say he's actually in a better spot right now but not consistent enough because once again, he's a hero who is VERY ability reliant . I think they are being very careful with doomfist rn but in the right hands, he should be insane.

Brenton DeBusschere

Depends on how often sombra will get played this season, needless to say her buffs are a soft nerf to him and he has never been in a great spot.

Chris Hayward

The amount of super aggressive Doomfists I encounter lately suggest people think he is viable, but the ease with which we inevitably win suggests otherwise.

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