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In this group and another gaming group im in all i see is posts with comments turned...


Anthony Santiago

In this group and another gaming group im in all i see is posts with comments turned off due to ppl getting heated, posts for attention, announcements that someone is gonna stop playing this game like they are some sort of celebrity and troll posts. can we get something positive going? lol how about name some situations where your team lost and everyone was perfectly cool and supportive about it during QP/Comp?

Anthony Santiago

Vanessa Salgado i'm sure you got some good ones lol

Revan Renaldi

I once got matched up with 3 Mercy one tricks, a Moira main and an Ana main as a flex and I can't help but laugh my ass off. We lost, but it was well fought and no toxicity was involved

Emilie Green

Those comp matches where both teams get both points, or get the payload to the end, so you have to do it again, but it happens for both teams a second time, then it's final attempt, and your team barely loses. Games that take like 30 minutes and it's so rough, but you can't even be mad because it's so equally matched and everyone did a great job.

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