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I'm really tired of seeing the "playing for fun" crap... Why do people keep saying...


Kaan Bilge

I'm really tired of seeing the "playing for fun" crap... Why do people keep saying this to justify throwing games? Do you think others don't play to "have fun"?

Getting killed again, again and again then losing is not fun. So that's why people are trying to win, they actually want to have fun. It's not like people that play to win "don't have fun" and I have no idea what makes you think that. Actually people who throw are the exact opposite of having fun.

Ok, let's say you actually have fun by picking Symmetra and getting hard countered, and you enjoy losing. That's your problem. But do you think your stupid fun is more important than the fun of 5 other people on your team?

Don't play competitive if you don't take the game seriously, there is quick play for it. Contrary to popular belief, people in competitive "have fun". They have fun by playing serious and winning. So if your idea of having fun is different, you should stay away from competitive.

BUT it's not completely the players' fault, it's also Blizzard's fault for not giving a fuck about balance. Their main priority should be working hard on balance yet there are still tons of useless heroes and a bunch of heroes that are mandatory picks, dominating the game.

Still, that doesn't mean you should ruin others' fun just because your definition of having fun is getting stomped & losing. Go back to QP

Jamos Attens

If you don’t play for fun? You must be getting paid to play ? Get over mate I play for myself not to keep others happy.

Phineas Ferb

You play for fun. Otherwise, why you want to play something boring.

Joshua Buxton

You should always be playing for fun. Obviously you should be trying your best but having fun is the most important thing. Don’t make the game your job & force yourself to play it because you see SR as a way of viewing yourself. Just play for fun.

Aaron Icardi

I agree for the most part. But how is it Blizzard's fault, there's no such thing as a mandatory pick in ladder. You could say dive comp is better than most but that doesn't mean play anything else means you will 100% lose. The game is pretty balanced but some picks will ALWAYS be situational like Torb. There will never be a time where all heroes are viable in all situations. And Blizzard can make the game as perfect as possible but people will still throw, they can fix the game but they can't fix ppl, the gaming community is full of trash cans

Sammy Bourgeois


Kyle Lower

Regardless I’m playin comp or qp it’s always for fun. Why would I play a game if it wasn’t fun?

Udi Haguel

I'm playing for fun.
I never throw.
Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose.
There were games that we lose, but were much more fun than other games that we won.
As long as in having fun, I'm ok with it.
Fighting against unorganized enemy team is easy win, but it's not as fun as winning an organized team.

Jessica Voronin

For a moment I thought you spoke about QP. Cause I can feel just the same of QP. Bots... Are fun

Tudor Alexandru

So lets sum it up in one sentence. Guy got a Symm who got countered and then they lost and now he's buthurt. But thats no fun :(

Arun Kumar


Rudi Indra A

call 5 of your friends and form a six-stacker. Problem solved.
Unless you start blaming each other whenever you lose. That's one way to lose friends lol

Ryan Lewis

All I see are bitching complaints on to the next person!

Aaron Noda

I use to be under the whole "its just a game why should you take it so seriously. Even when it was comp. Though i still tried to win. Now ive decided i want to get out of my rank and get better but i just cant get win more than a game in a row cause no one wants to take it seriously... dps' not doing enough actual damage. Me as a reinhardt should not have gold damage at 3k damage when we have a reaper and pharah on the team.

Fei Miao

all right , i think so

Sebastien Roy

You need to chill, brah. Playing for fun =/= throwing.

Denzel Taint

whatre u gay

Ricky-Robo Ascencio

Throwing is fun......... it’s not...idk why I’m still on this group I don’t play overwatch anymore.

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