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Switch If you're freaking out that the phone app disaster will last this long, just remember...


Tim Benitez

Here's my take on this app.

1st. You're not paying for it yet. The online service, that is. I thought this wasn't going to be available until next year with the rest of the online service.

2nd. These are bugs that are going to be fixed.

3rd. All those saying that they should have the app through the system should realize this is a different kind of FREAKIN CONSOLE!!! Would you want your headphones plugged into the system when it's across the room? Oh wireless headset? That's almost the same as using your freakin phone! But the other consoles have the headset plug into the controller. Is there enough space to fit the audio in and out in the little Joycon? Right.

This is different and everyone's scared of a new move.

Oh yeah!

4th. People are just saying they are going to use discord? It's just about THE SAME FREAKIN THING! Discord has just been out for a while.

While I am hoping that everything gets improved by the time they want people to shell out cash, I hope people can just take a breath and have some patients.

Jason Hardy

This is Nintendo we're talking about. The most stubborn, bullheaded company in the videogame market.

James Watling

It's working fine for me here.

Chris Bizarro

Don't know why everyone has been complaining about it now. It's nothing new this was always the game plan and it does suck should have been built in.

Nicholas Taylor Barnes

I personally think that headset support will be on the switch without an app, there has been a headset with a mic specifically for the switch by afterglow.
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and it's not currently in the development it's already out for sale

Marc Re Percussion

I'll try it before I knock it lol

Drew Pense

Nintendo is just plain stupid at times

James Page

It wasn't "always online" it was a single check in once a day to validate your game licenses, because you could trade your game. They needed to make sure you still owned it every day, if you traded it then they'd remove the ability for you to play it, since you didn't need the disk.
If you're going to shit on an old policy at least understand what it actually was.

Spencer Miller

Does the phone app not work?

Bella Hale

Because of the arguments and the many other voice chat posts. I'm going to turn off commenting.

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