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Xbox One If anybody is looking for a new server to join well I have a fun one for ya! It's...


Jake Smyrski

If anybody is looking for a new server to join well I have a fun one for ya! It's called terranova4442 it's an (unofficial pc server) on Xbox one and the gather rate is high and the dino difficulty is super high and he whole point of the server is to build up on the weekdays and full out raid each other on the weekends! Sounds fun right! There's only 10 slots at the moment. Max dino I have seen so far is lvl 1045.

Philly Kavanagh

its not difficult if it's boosted mate sorry to tell ya

Jake Smyrski

Well I'm not saying it's difficult lol but we upped the difficulty and we did it for fun so when u tame em it'll be harder to kill others dino but if your interested in any way come check it out :)

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