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I know what I wanna do: positivity post! To spur more positive thoughts to help us all...


James Harvey

A Junkrat, he's hilarious and he's honestly the only character I can play cause you don't need to even try to play him everyone dies XD
B even though she sits there Teabagging me she's British like me so I can say oh well.
C about to win a game with Junkrat Pharah swoops into the point I look straight up and blast that f*cker outta the sky also watching a Play of the game where after I single ult him and he just sees me as I ult and his reaction is wait what the fuck

Kayla Caroline Walling

A. I main Mercy, D.Va, and Tracer. Tracer is so fun, I love her personality, and I have a fantastic winning streak with her. D.Va is cute with emotes and a fun tank, and Mercy is most like me because I love being support since I'm not a violent person.

B. My least favorite is Junkrat, but all the people who play him seem to do very well.

C. Best moments on Overwatch are playing with my friends or in a Skirmish and just saying hello and not attacking the other team. I think it's fun and cool.

Agata Kornacka

A. I main sombra. I've seen her cinematic right after I went onto the website and I knew that I had to main her once I got the game. I still do and have 90 hours on her.
B. I don't like mei but she's super adorable

Yvanne Marcellana

A. Reinhardt. protecting my team from ults like soldier and and wiping out the enemy team together when i use my ult. Moira, I've been playing her beside rein since release. disrupting enemy positioning, biotic orbs passing through shields, escaping zarya's ult and sending off healing orb with her left click to my teammates. I like to protect my team and save them from getting killed. Lastly, Genji. flanking enemies especially healers.

B. Symmetra, she's a life-saver thanks both to her teleporter and shield gen and torb's turret, I'll get to know the enemy flankers position easily.

C. Playing Pharah at Numbani. We're capturing the point and soldier used his ult, i dont want myself nor teammates getting killed so i booped him off the edge and ULTIMATE SHUTDOWN fren.

Piper Ingram

A. I main Ana, Mercy and Moira. My new personal fav in the whole game is moira though, i love her aesthetic, her kit, her lore and her accent is to die for <3

B. I absolutely abhor winston, but my fav thing about him is that winston players always seem to be really positive. And nano boosting a winston is always fun.

C. My best moment is when i went onto overbuff and saw i was 99th percentile mercy on NA. I was so proud to finally be in the top 1% ^_^ this was pre rework hide-and-go-seek meta

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