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I know what I wanna do: positivity post! To spur more positive thoughts to help us all...


Sammy Bourgeois

I know what I wanna do: positivity post! To spur more positive thoughts to help us all feel better, some of us might need some some happy thoughts.
A. Who's your main, and why, like what do you love about them? Healers are always my favorite roles in games, Mercy is the most likable to me, I can relate because I'm going to be a nurse, Swiss culture is awesome, her gameplay style is the most intuitive to me, and yeah it doesn't hurt that she's gorgeous.
B. Something you like about your least favorite character? Mei IS honestly cute as a button from design to voice.
C. What's one of the best moments you've had in Overwatch that you'll remember forever? Getting Huge Rez after the ult change and after the rez nerf felt amazing, I can still relive the joy at command <3
And go!

Saif Saqqa

Ok can u chill

Saif Saqqa

This is the third post

Saif Saqqa

How about u trying to res someone and there is df charging his fist to ur face u will not able to res him and guss what u dead

Brandon Dix

Its gotta be rough, being this assmad about someone contributing something that isnt the same stale joke a dozen times a day.

Risa Son-McMahon

A: I main Mei, D.Va, Lucio, Sombra, and Moira.
Mei: I love how she has the self heal and her wall. It helps me get out when I'm surrounded by people xD
D.Va: her shield also she has her boost and I love her Ult.
Lucio: I know how it is to use a character who is slow, so lucio speed boost helps and also his healings~
Sombra: she hacks xD
Moira: I love her orbs xD

B. I dislike doomfist but its only because I need to use him more :eek: I need more practice. But I like his uppercut :3

C. My best moment is when I was in someones group and I went to go get a bag of chips, they went in comp and I ended up getting 40 eliminations as Mei. <3

Alex Tushingham

A.My main Zenyatta, I love playing him cause for a healer he can put down some serious damage all the while healing.
B. Least favourite is Genji (I can’t play him ) I like his storyline with his brother, it’s very epic.
C. Kings Row on attack; coming up to the end, enemy D.Va pops her Ult so I pop mine as Zenyatta, saved the whole team from dying and we won the game

Renato Arends

A I like reaper and dva idk but since I saw gameplay of them I started to get interested in them but I like reaper because of his design and his playstyle and dva because well when I first saw her I was like O God not another bitchy kinda of character but then I saw she was like a gamer and anime lover so I started to like her

B mei has snowball the only upside of her

Jessica Aldrich

A. I main Junkrat because ho lee fuck he is so much fun. I have not laughed with visceral joy at a video game in a long time and I do every time I play him. Also he's adorable and I want to just take him home and feed him a lot of donuts and knit him mittens and let him blow shit up in my backyard. B. My least favorite character is Mercy (sorry, OP ;_;) but her heals are lit af and I dig that she's an elite doctor inventing new tech and generally being smart and rad. C. Was one of the first times playing Overwatch and I was playing with my friend who got me into it. We were defending the 2nd point on Temple of Anubis playing mystery heroes and I got Torb. I was like ahhhhh what do I do? because I knew he was good at Torb. He told me where to put my turret and everything so I killed a lot of people and it was awesome haha. I was like LEGIT STRATS!!! I still use that spot as Torb or Bastion and it works most the time :D TY for this post OP I love it great job spreading positivity <3

Steven Sanchez

A. Im a healer main expect Moira because she's still new
Ana - She's a badass
Mercy - She's sweet
Zenyatta - Does SO MUCH damage as a support and some great witty voice lines too lol
B. Junkrat has some funny voice lines I guess lol
C. A moment I will never forget is when I was Ana and I put a Pharah to sleep while she was being pocketed by Mercy and they just fell to their deaths lmao

Marissa Barber Brant

A. I started the game maining Junkrat on the recommendation of a friend and I fell in love with him. Junkrat is a total psycho both in character and play style once you get good with him. It’s fun to see everyone rage over him after you blow them to kingdom come lol He is a free spirit and a total cutie as well LOL
B. I NEVER play Widowmaker, but I’m always blown away by people who are good with her and I’d love to practice more with her.
C. With Junkrat, my most memorable moment was when I learned you can climb the palm trees in Hollywood- there was a pharah harassing me and I would chase her down by climbing trees with my riptire to blow her up lmaoooo
Once I was playing Mercy while a decent streamer was in the game; I got potg by killing the Reaper chasing me, then flying in and getting a 5 man rez haha embarrassing for that Reaper, but 30 seconds of fame for me xD

Cody Burdick

A) I need healing
B) I need healing
C) I need healing
D) One time... I needed healing

Sorry, I couldn't help myself! Digging the positivity, dog.

Ahmad Husaini

A) Rein, because I like his optimism and I can scream REINHRADT

B) Zarya, her ulti is so useful!


Andre Uva

A, Soldier 76, he's just So BADASS, I like his play style and kit
B, I don't "hate" or "dislike" any certain hero
C, one time in either comp or QP, we got sent to Horizon Lunar Colony, I sighed, and was about to leave the game because I knew we were gonna lose anyway, but then I thought "no! You know what? NO! IF IM GOING OUT, IM GOING OUT WITH A BANG!!!" so I decided to stay in the game, and you know what? We lost, BUT I got one of the most EPIC POTG of my life

Omed Akreyi

A) Tracer. I love her playstyle, her skins are amazing and I like the fast pace
B) it's actually funny when torb the dwarf beats a giant roadhog in a 1v1
C) It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. It was last round oasis 2-2 and it was 99% vs 99% OT. We (6 people)killed all the enemies except reaper(5 people) who was inbetween us without anyone noticing him. He ulted and got the W for his team

Ashelan Morin

I like Mercy and Zarya. I like the aesthetic of the characters and think they're super adorable. Plus I like being support. It just makes me feel good helping out a team.
B: Genji is actually a really cool concept, even if he annoys me a bit. I love his design and the idea behind him.
C: I got a 27 killstreak with Tracer in quickplay and was super proud of myself. Especially since this is the first FPS I've actually enjoyed playing and stuck with.

Sean Kretchmer

A) Hog; can solo win games, Great for rounding out a comp if in need of a tank and/or dps, great for the solo heals.

B) Sombra; She protec, she attac but most importantly she hack

C) Getting to Diamond for the first time after 2 entire seasons

Jane Caldwell

Something I like about my least favorite character. Unpopular opinion, but I just really hate Moira. Down to the core. But I suppose her actual design is really decent and interesting to say the least, and she's Irish.

Favorite moment. I'd say...finally getting my Junkrat cute spray by taking out 5 enemy teammates by myself, a 9 kill streak in no limits I just had last week (since Torb's turrets count as a kill ), or a clutch play I had as Mercy before her changes. We almost lost the second point at Hanamura, and the Overtime meter was going down, and almost gone. I flew to two dead teammates, rezzed them, and kept them alive. We ended up winning that point.

Vynyl Shiro

My mains are Reaper, Tracer and Zen. Why Reaper and Tracer? Because my DPS usually always struggle to kill anything so I have to switch in and do it for them and Zen because he's just my favourite to play.

Something about Mei? Well...her Jiangshi skin is cute...I guess...?

My best moment was the day I first made it to platinum because that was when I was with people who actually wanted to win. Not "practice their Widow."

Okay, this was harder than I thought it would be...

Skylar Sturtevant

A. I love sombra, I don’t really have a main but I’d say she’s my favorite. I love her kit, her utility, her overall ability to counter what the enemy does.
B. Symmetra does a lot of damage and can hold a point down like no ones business. Needs to be defense.
C. When people on my team combo with my EMP perfectly

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