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PC I just wanna post this as a PSA to anyone who plays ARK on a Purple Frog Server or is...


Jon Lucich

I just wanna post this as a PSA to anyone who plays ARK on a Purple Frog Server or is thinking about it. That server is not to be trusted. They will wipe you and ban you for no reason. Just because they do not like you. I logged on to Purple Frog Aberration and saw in my log that a tribe on that server had wiped me and "claimed" my tribe to have raided someone, when in fact i am the only one that played on that server because the rest of my tribemates left purple frog.

Then they proceed to ban me from the server without providing evidence. I asked for the tribe logs, but none of them can provide me screenshot evidence that it happened. Instead they banned me so that i would not post this. I trust my tribe mates with my life and not one thing on our log showed us attacking anything. Purple Frog is a server that is not to be trusted. Please do not join their server. It is fraudulent and the admins will do whatever they want to you if they decide they do not like you. Especially those who had to give "donations" to do basic things.

Kristyanna Marie Roberson

Damn lol

Maddie Jane

before this starts *keep it civil* please, for my sanity <3

Christina Larimore

Here's your proof butter cup ^.^

Christina Larimore

Had to get them in the back end because it got burried in the tribe logs. Before you claim a server is unfair to wipe you btw admins had nothing to do with it the tribe that got attacked were the ones who took your tribe out no admins were involved. We just gave them permission to defend themselves. Be sure to check your tribe mates who are lying to you.

Jerry Swihart

We gave him proof of all logs. He's just attempting to spread rumors because we don't tolerate any kind of trolling or harassment. We have a large player base for this reason. Our players are perfectly happy with the servers. You got wiped by the tribe that you attacked, not the admins.

Maddie Jane

did it continue after he left? or nah

Starr Duskk

Purple Frog has been a wonderful server to play on and my husband and I have had no complaints about unfairness. Staff is wonderful.

Jean Larrocca

That guy 123, i saw some people a long time ago telling this guy is a troll and been messing tribes from inside

Tiffany Smith

This is why im always tribed by myself or my rl friend onapvp server

Reece D Asbury

Just wondering, I thought Purple frog was a Pvp server ?

Tabitha Tabacco

I was there! You raided us first! we retaliated! that's what happens whenyou break therules! I get on and all i see is C4 charges from your tribe destroying storage boxes and walls and that your tribe killed our dinos! ONE PASSIVE TOO!

Joey Thomason

Why I don't play PvP and own my own server for froends

Jon Lucich

I've already mentiones this to christina, bit the tribe log is incorrect/photoshopped or in some way created cause i was on with all my ttibe members on another server. Take it for what you will, people. But we did not destroy anything. And to spend countless hours on a server only to get wiped without providing an in game tribe log rubs me the wrong way. What a waste of time, sleep and energy, been playing since aberration release and even before that on rag, only to lose it all to bs.

Tony Capponi

Hey Jon Lucich, I think you should check your "online" friends "that you trust with your life" because the last tribe you were in did the same thing to us strangely enough on Ragnarok many months ago. PVP was sanctioned after your tribe had been dormant for multiple weeks, the players were attacking multiple tribes and the online tribes needed to defend themselves. This is pretty basic stuff so I wonder why your even in this situation again after coming back to us less than a month ago. Any patterns here? Overall Im sorry your stuff got destroyed by the defending tribe but they had a right to protect themselves. I appreciate you letting people know that PFG will not be bullied by trolls. Thank you for this post. Are you going to say I photoshopped this as well

Tony Capponi

Would you like all they player screen shots to that incedent as well?

Nick Heelein

purple frog sounds really sketchy

Nick Heelein

is there even purple frogs on the server?

Sarah Butler

Pmsl wat load of balls. Shud get facts right b4 spilling it onto fb making yaself only look silly

Craig Cummings

dont matter what server you go to there is going to be drama lol . my best advise is play and mess around for an hour or so and watch the players and watch what they do . if you dont like then leave. pretty sad ark is losing its player base due to this type of drama .

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