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I have a thought that has been haunting been ever since I got both of Widowmaker's...


Dinis Pedroso

I have a thought that has been haunting been ever since I got both of Widowmaker's sprays, when I got into the game I quickly got a general idea of whats my ult purpuse and in what scenerio I should try to use it, but the only ult I still dont know when its supose to be used is Widow's, when I played her I would just use it immedeatly after getting it, but I want to understand more about it so I can be ready when facing her. I would apreciate if people who main her explained me and thx for your time.

Stanley James Topa III

It’s situational, to be honest. You can use it to clean up a team fight by seeing where respawning enemies might be coming from or you can save it for their new push and give your team a huge tactical advantage. It’s really a numbers game of how many teammates you have left to make use of it.

Aadil Saqib

Use it just before the enemy is going to push.

Matt Watkins

Honestly just smash that mf Q

Justin Becker

Another really small thing you can use it for is to wait after you hear Symmetras teleporter get built, and immediately use Infra-Sight to see where she put it.

Tj Pho

Its good as a zoning ult in higher ranks. Kind of like mccrees but not nearly as deadly of course. I use it when the enemy team has reset and is about to push so I can see where all of them are coming then I get into position and wait for them. But in higher ranks they’ll usually wait it out. But sometimes you can be nutty and go a little out of position to surprise them and wreck em

Sam Wood

If they have a widow I use it a bit after she uses hers, so they have less of an advantage, and because that usually means she's trying to snag a headshot on me. If they have a McCree who's good at positioning, I'll use it when he pops his ult so my team can more effectively get out of his sights, same with a junkrat ult so my team has a better chance of knowing where his tire's coming from so they're able to try to evade it. For the most part, I use it to"counter" enemy ults in a way. If the enemy happens to not have anyone I'd try to counter, it kinda depends on the situation/map. On maps like Ilios: Ruins I'll use it either when I'm looking to pick of enemies on point or just after a team fight to see where any strays have gone, and to possibly pick some off coming out of spawn.

Hope this helps a little :)

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