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I got a problem! The matter is that my monitor can handle 1080P but.. Windows is...


Suswagatam Rong

I got a problem! The matter is that my monitor can handle 1080P but.. Windows is recommending me 1366×765 resolution! But in the recommended resolution.. many games are crashing! I have a 1060 3GB! Now.. when I applied 1080p.. the screen is little bit blurry and it is shifted towards left wide by 3-4mm! Please help me resolving this problem! Its an old Monitor with VGA and I use convertor to connect it with the HDMI port of my GPU!
Thanks in advanced!

Jacob Mier

Update gpu drivers.

Jason Ryan

Open nvidia control panel and set custom display.

Gašper Viher

Have you just connected it? If so try restarting Windows.
I had sort of the same issue once, where the resolution was maxed at 1680x1050. A simple restart solved my issue.

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