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I dont understand why other Mercy mains would hate the new mercy. The only part that...


Zachary McGowan

I dont understand why other Mercy mains would hate the new mercy. The only part that would be understandable to miss for old mercy is the big rezes. But new mercy is far more engaging to play and requires more thought than before. Hiding for that big rez was basically you being afk for an entire fight. Also her new ult is way better anyways. AOE heals and dmg boost, 2 free rezes, and insane mobility and range.

Travis Doyle

solo rez life was boss on old mercy and no one took advantage of it in team fights, they waited till they had fed the enemy ult charge with a few deaths then rez but still lose the team fight.. but well timed solo/duo rezzes back then made alot more impact with ult usage then the mass rez did clearing off a well placed enemy team push/ult.

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