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I don't know man... I'm starting to lose love for playing overwatch. I want to play a...


Neville Solomon

I don't know man... I'm starting to lose love for playing overwatch.

I want to play a game where me and my teammates coordinate, strategize, and work together to win. But the majority of my games are me just babysitting my teammates because I know they're gonna do what they want despite positive suggestions, and keeping them alive through backup or shields (rein main btw).

Most people aren't cognitively aware enough to see the value of proper teamwork beyond just combining ults.

I can still generally win through babysitting/sometimes carrying and rise in rank, but it isn't really fun. Might go back to fighting games, where I'm the only factor in winning or losing and control everything.

OWL is still fun to watch though.

Harley Hong

if blizzard updated the tos for comp it would make the world of difference

Théo Gilbert Parizot

You can try
Battlerite: a top down shooter/MOBA hybrid, F2P
I don't have other game that come to my mind, but battlerite is a great start
With team of 2v2 or 3v3, just bring a friend or 2 and your good to go

Chris Rogow


Alice Catrinel

That is fully your fault not the game's. You said you wanna strategize with your teammates? Then build yourself a team doe. In no game on earth will random strangers always work together. If you want an actual team, get yourself some bnet friends and build a team of ppl you can communicate with.

Lin Galini

Make your own team then. Personally even though im the only healer in team, i adore chasing the other around! :) But it might be also my playstyle since i'm a very agressive mercy main.

Savannah Dey Carden

Do you have friends to make a team with and practice?

Matt Arnson

I still enjoy playing Overwatch, but I don't play it nearly as much as I used to. A lot of it has to do with my friends quitting the game and moving onto the latest thing (Pub Cheese) and the resulting realities of solo queue. Yes, I could find new people to play with, but I already did that once, and then they all slowly stopped logging in.

So now I just play 1-3 games and call it a night. I'm hoping when the game matures a bit more (another year or two) the community will be a bit more stable and I can find some other players who won't quit after 3 months.

Alan Silva

Me too, I'm starting to hate Overwatch

Alaa Yassine

I like playing Rein/orisa but seeing as non of my teammates stand behind the shield im a dva/road main now

Tyler Joseph Kotlarsz

You can always go back... To kys...

Stepyon Kun

Yo, if u wanna coordinate easy, Palasins has a quickchat system to say most commands like :

Attack objective
Group up
Flank left, right
Enemies behind us

Almost all that is useful. Its easier to communicate there if you're not the voice chat type.

Ryan Brown

I find paladins a lot more fun tbh.

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