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I am at my breaking point with overwatch. Every single game i play is a loss. My team...


Corey Chaves

I am at my breaking point with overwatch. Every single game i play is a loss. My team just instalocks 4 dps no matter if were on atk or def. Qp or comp. The decisions people make in this game astonish me. People with no drive to win. Nobody switches to counters if their getting spanked. Nope. They just stay committed to choosing the only character they can play no matter what the odds. I swear i am cursed with the most unperceptive dipshit teamates the ps4 servers have to offer. Im actually insulted at the SR i get because I always out perform my teamates and the other team. Ive put over 500hrs into this game and i know all the best strategies and metas. Ive mastered a lot of characteres in this game and can always counter the enemy team, but overwatch is a game where no matter how good you are, you need to work together to win. And i NEVER get paired with teamates who understand that concept. Im not even exagurating.. I have absolutely the worst luck in this game and im just so over it. I had a goal to play this game at least until i get my silver portrait and in 4 levels i will achieve that goal. After that im uninstalling overwatch and never playing again. Good riddence Overwatch. You and toxic community are no longer my problem.

Adam Bahadur

what Sr are you ?

Miłosz Rutkowski

diamond is full of throwers on eu pc this season

Caitlyn Cobb

Inb4 copy paste

Chris Johnson

I am at my breaking point with overwatch. Every single game i play is a loss. My team just instalocks 4 dps no matter if were on atk or def. Qp or comp. The decisions people make in this game astonish me. People with no drive to win. Nobody switches to counters if their getting spanked. Nope. They just stay committed to choosing the only character they can play no matter what the odds. I swear i am cursed with the most unperceptive dipshit teamates the ps4 servers have to offer. Im actually insulted at the SR i get because I always out perform my teamates and the other team. Ive put over 500hrs into this game and i know all the best strategies and metas. Ive mastered a lot of characteres in this game and can always counter the enemy team, but overwatch is a game where no matter how good you are, you need to work together to win. And i NEVER get paired with teamates who understand that concept. Im not even exagurating.. I have absolutely the worst luck in this game and im just so over it. I had a goal to play this game at least until i get my silver portrait and in 4 levels i will achieve that goal. After that im uninstalling overwatch and never playing again. Good riddence Overwatch. You and toxic community are no longer my problem.

Taylor Neil Waddell

Nah m8 you're bad so you get bad teammates

Alfredo Velez

Console or PC?

Amber Blosser

That’s why you just don’t care. Do your best and just play

Dóri Banai

Make your own team.

Brian Leonel B

you need to stop caring about the outcome of your match. just do your best and if you lose then try another match or play something else to calm down. works for me

Giancarlo Wade

But the common denominator is you. What can YOU do to get yourself out of that elo is what you should be asking. You never stated what you do, only that you "always outperform them". If you're so good and you know so well, you should be climbing regardless of the shitty teams you get. This is not a solo carry game above diamond, but below diamond, it's very possible with choice heroes like Widowmaker, Hanzo, Genji, etc who have so much power in the hands of players who actually know how to use them very well. That being said, statistically, you shouldn't be losing every game if you're a halfway decent player because you won't always be matched with shit teammates. It just seems like you're exaggerating the issue when you are obviously the biggest problem standing in your way of climbing. I'm not saying you are, but I wouldn't be surprised if you're that 4th dps telling other players to switch so you can do your thing. You sound like an easily-tilted person who takes little to no blame for his own losses and is just whiney that he can't climb. Maybe if you focused on your own mistakes, whatever they may be, with the same scrutiny you look at your teammates with, maybe you'll one day hit diamond.

I suggest learning to not care so much about ranked. It's just a game, nd if you belong in diamond+, you'll get there eventually.

Also, you're on console, what do you expect? Lol

Shawn Pierce


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