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Hi guys. Xbox player ranked high gold. Looking to build a decent team of people who...


Nathan Morris

Hi guys. Xbox player ranked high gold. Looking to build a decent team of people who want to work as a team and climb the ranks. I'm sick and tired of people who don't communicate and chase kills to leave support alone on the payload. Preferably I'd like people who can play multiple roles as I'd like whoever joins the team to work together and build our team skills in quickplay before we really hit comp. I used to main mercy but lately have moved more to a tank role as I found I wasn't getting the protection mercy deserves so now I fill that role instead

Anyway what I'm trying to get at is let's build 6 man team trying to seriously claims the ranks through our solid team work and communication. I have a lot of play I'm trying to use but need people who wanna work together so we can pull them off. My gamer tag is UncleRukus17 but I mainly play on my smurf account OddSenseiSays which I only recently started and have had way more luck with lol. Hit me up guys

Caleb Popan

Ah I'm down dude, I've been having trouble cause people just don't care in silver/gold, I was 2100 but not at 1900, I'll be down to join, my GT is ChillBeba, I main I can play any role but mostly Orisa, D.Va, Tracer and Moira

Nathan Morris

They get salty if you ask them to switch when it blatantly isn't working

Baylen Foshee

Hit me up Zerziian

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