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Hi fellow OW players.... I want to share something with you that happened to me...

  • Thread starter Luis Miguel Roman
  • Start date

Luis Miguel Roman

Hi fellow OW players.... I want to share something with you that happened to me today... I was playing Anubis on defense first and we lost the map in overtime... our Widow ragequitted and then I thought “fuck this, I will just wait for the penalty leaver time to be over and leave”... so I kept playing and we took first point... then we rushed in and took second point and we had 5:41 minutes for last atempt... we won the map... next I played Nepal... won first and lost the second one... on the third we were 20 - 85 and our Reinhardt left... we end up winning... this all happened with no comms whatsoever I may add... my point is don’t give up... I know these kind of stuff happens very rarely but just give it a shot... who knows if you have a good team comp and good team players on your side...

Giovanni Dusk Custer

I mean, the team I had made the enemy team quit because of how uncoordinated and shitty the team was, me being the only tank, pretty sure I was Zarya, and no one was healer, there was a Torb, Widow, Hanzo, Genji and a Mei, and uhh, we somehow won, after the first round we won half the opposing team quit, two dudes were laughing their asses off there, "we have such a shitty team that we made half the enemy team quit" and the other dude was like "I had pretty bad vibes at the start, but now I'm good"

Aadil Saqib

Situtations like these occur less often the higher you go.

Afnan Gilal

Happens plenty in plat and below

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