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PC Hey guys this is a petition regarding the whole XIM4/AA thing going on so that bungie...


Dakota DeRaad

I turned aim assist off before I start playing any shooter.

Sheila D Snead

As a gamer who suffers from an autoimmune form of arthritis I've recently realized that using a mouse and keyboard is not an option for me. It's a damn game, and for some the only way it would be fun is with some sort of aim assist. I use it and I still somewhat suck. ( lol ) I don't even bother now with cruc. So no I won't sign this, and honestly people just need to stop whining.

Kalyn Gonçalves

Damn y’all sure do like to bitch. Thought y’all were guardians not scrubs. Lol

Kalyn Gonçalves

My thoughts of the people who signed this petition and like to bitch about everything

Peter LG

controller ppl aren‘t fine as well?!?
if you wanna play w controller, go fuckin play on fuckin xbox or fuckin playstation, you fuckin fucks?!?
pc is and was mnk since day 1...

Pedro Mendes

I think there are bigger problems in the world to worry about....

Jerome Holzberger

So basically you want to make it so that the percentage of people who moved to pc to get better frames and resolution won’t be able to use a controller just because a small few people pay to use a xim as well? That would be shitty.

I’m not much on KBM yet, I like having both choices and just because someone may get a small advantage doesn’t make them a god in crucible.

Jerome Holzberger

Why don’t you get a petition together for bungie to put more content out or to fix some of its bad systems not this

Zach Garfield

So I am new to pc and I do use a mnk because I find it more enjoyable not to mention you can do so much more with mnk but everyone always makes the claim the you will never be as good with a controller as you could with mnk if you take the time to get good at it. So why is everyone so upset when you technically by that argument should still be better with mnk. Destiny 2 is a pretty rough game right now but I can tell you from experience the console version is so much worse so if people want to play with controller and have fun staying in their comfort zone why does it matter. And on a side note how do you know someone is using controller just blaming your deaths on controller players although they could just be better mnk players?

Mark Z Ciarleglio

I've read that Xim4/kbm folks are still often worse than good kbm players though.

Dan Squires

Where's the "dedicated servers" petition?

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