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Hey guys, Mercy main here. I have over 700 hours of ignoring "I need healing" logged....


Zacharay Santucci

Hey guys, Mercy main here. I have over 700 hours of ignoring "I need healing" logged. I'm pretty much a god at pocketing. You think standing behind a full HP Reinhardt with his shield up while I drown him in heals is easy? God no. I'm like a human generator keeping this tank daddy alive. I'm the first thing they'll target. I put my life on the line by choosing to pocket a full hp Reinhardt with his shield up. Dont be a douche and message me after the game because I wouldnt heal you. Dude, find a health pack, yknow, those things that ALSO heal you. Like smh. First of all, I wouldnt even need to heal you if you knew how to play Overwatch. Like okay, you got damaged, learn how to play the game maybe. It's not my fault you suck at dodgeball. Secondly, just because I pick healer, it doesnt mean I am forced to heal the team. Yeah, omg, weird right? No, not weird. It's why Blizzard gave Mercy a gun. So you can use it and kills. If Blizzard wanted us to focus on healing, they'd have given Mercy a set of "band-aids," not a "people killer." Anyways, I hope this tidbit of text helps some of yall realize that a healer's job isnt to heal, it's to be a demigod by choosing who and who doesnt get heals on your team. Yeah that's right bitches, Healers run the meta. Enjoy soaking up dps while I wave hello from behind my full hp, fully shielded Reinhardt.

add me: AMercyfulGod

Brianna Guerrant

cant tell if bait or not
probably both

Connor L. Lewis

I approve this message

James De La Thompson

Hey guys, Mercy main here. I have over 700 hours of ignoring "I need healing" logged. I'm pretty much a god at pocketing. You think standing behind a full HP Reinhardt with his shield up while I drown him in heals is easy? God no. I'm like a human generator keeping this tank daddy alive. I'm the first thing they'll target. I put my life on the line by choosing to pocket a full hp Reinhardt with his shield up. Dont be a douche and message me after the game because I wouldnt heal you. Dude, find a health pack, yknow, those things that ALSO heal you. Like smh. First of all, I wouldnt even need to heal you if you knew how to play Overwatch. Like okay, you got damaged, learn how to play the game maybe. It's not my fault you suck at dodgeball. Secondly, just because I pick healer, it doesnt mean I am forced to heal the team. Yeah, omg, weird right? No, not weird. It's why Blizzard gave Mercy a gun. So you can use it and kills. If Blizzard wanted us to focus on healing, they'd have given Mercy a set of "band-aids," not a "people killer." Anyways, I hope this tidbit of text helps some of yall realize that a healer's job isnt to heal, it's to be a demigod by choosing who and who doesnt get heals on your team. Yeah that's right bitches, Healers run the meta. Enjoy soaking up dps while I wave hello from behind my full hp, fully shielded Reinhardt.

add me: AMercyfulGod

Stephen Barr

Nice meme

Kevin Chucky Clark


Khoa Trần Anh

Reverse the meaning and you have a decent guide on mercy

Zacharay Santucci


Deividas Auskelis

Peeps do love make statement about healer

Justin Pavone

You must be a bad Mercy

Zacharay Santucci

When they figure out it's bait and delete their comment hoping nobody saw them on the reel.

Noah Licona

Mmmmm new copypasta

Mihnea Gogu

Razvan Pinzariu

Neko Hime

Hey guys, Mercy main here. I have over 700 hours of ignoring "I need healing" logged. I'm pretty much a god at pocketing. You think standing behind a full HP Reinhardt with his shield up while I drown him in heals is easy? God no. I'm like a human generator keeping this tank daddy alive. I'm the first thing they'll target. I put my life on the line by choosing to pocket a full hp Reinhardt with his shield up. Dont be a douche and message me after the game because I wouldnt heal you. Dude, find a health pack, yknow, those things that ALSO heal you. Like smh. First of all, I wouldnt even need to heal you if you knew how to play Overwatch. Like okay, you got damaged, learn how to play the game maybe. It's not my fault you suck at dodgeball. Secondly, just because I pick healer, it doesnt mean I am forced to heal the team. Yeah, omg, weird right? No, not weird. It's why Blizzard gave Mercy a gun. So you can use it and kills. If Blizzard wanted us to focus on healing, they'd have given Mercy a set of "band-aids," not a "people killer." Anyways, I hope this tidbit of text helps some of yall realize that a healer's job isnt to heal, it's to be a demigod by choosing who and who doesnt get heals on your team. Yeah that's right bitches, Healers run the meta. Enjoy soaking up dps while I wave hello from behind my full hp, fully shielded Reinhardt.

add me: AMercyfulGod

Kylie Morgan Shearer


Dyan Long

Thanks for being a representative for the Mercy mains

Aaron Samson

Man that's too true

Izak Gainor

No u.

Janinho Mulyano A

x'D praise

Glenn Gary Panganiban

I main Lucio to keep my team alive especially to the other supports in my team. Maining Lucio got me into from Platinum to Master in one season. Currently im in Diamond as I lost a lot because teammates are either overextending or stuck in a choke point.

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