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Hey guys I feel like the mercy gains less sr is still a thing or am i the only one ?...


Dina Ung

Hey guys I feel like the mercy gains less sr is still a thing or am i the only one ?
During the last two weeks i have gained quite less sr whenever i played mercy like around 15-20 per win however if i went with moira and ana it’s back to normal 25-30.
To make sure today i ran comp in duo and we both are 2495 and i am 2499 after 4 wins i am at 2589 where as my fri at 2612.
Not ranting or anything just wondering if thar mercy gain less sr is still going.
Ps : i always have a gold healing card.

Mathieu Berger-Latour

Performanced Based SR gains.
You underperform compared to people in your rank.
Having gold healing card literally, and I mean literally, means nothing.
Simple as that.
Assists, healing, death... There's a lot of things put into account in your SR gains.
Mercy players do NOT gain less SR.

Brandon Bonnell

When was mercy gains less sr ever a thing? Every mercy player I know gets way more than they lose

Mihnea Gogu

maybe git gud?

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