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Hey guys it's Jeff Kaplan from the Overwatch team We've heard all your criticisms...


Madeline Garcia

Hey guys it's Jeff Kaplan from the Overwatch team

We've heard all your criticisms about Mercy and have decided to fully rework her

Firstly we're removing her weapons and wings, this will give the enemy team a better chance to pick off kill mercy since she won't be able to quickly move to her tanks for protection. I definitely think this is a smart choice as too many times I see DPS's try to take out healers first but they so easily move to the back line and this will change that alot.

Secondly we're changing her kit to more suit the meta. Her primary fire actually just kills you now, I think this new firing ability will see alot of use in competitive play to quickly move back to spawn to regroup with your team

Her shift ability is now a toggled ability, when it's toggled on it spams random voice lines and when it's off it slowly drains mercys health. This is another useful tool to balance being able to pick off an enemy mercy while also making the mercy player try to balance the slow drain of her health and I think pro players are going to make some great plays with this move.

Onto her E, instead of reviving an ally it now disconnects them from the game, this move can be used on allies and enemies but it can be interrupted during cast time (which is 5 seconds) which instead causes you to be disconnected. This is a huge balance change to make the community alot less toxic by being able to remove toxic players from the game and I hope pro players will use this skill well.

Now the moment you've all been waiting for, her ult

It now uninstalls overwatch from everyone currently in your games computers. This is a HUGE change that is aimed more towards the competitive scene rather than the casual player as it takes alot of skill to use and actually mercy now starts with 50% ult charge at the beginning of the game to balance out the move for casual players

I definitely hope to see some fantastic plays and montages from everybody and I hope you guys continue to support our game

David Thomas Cupp

That's all? Geeze Jeff and I thought you were fixing the problem

Robert Hernandez

This feels right

Leon Adler

Now this is quality shitpost
First time I see it

Chris Howard

lol E is so useful

Chandler Heatley

Caitlin Leah Bulman now this I can get behind

Dyan Long

I'm here to represent all triggered Mercy mains who can't adapt and I have to say that I hate this
She's already been nerfed so much!!!!!!!
Haven't you done enough Jeff? Listen to your fucking players for once
Oh my god if this goes live I'm so quitting overwatch forever


fking waste of time reading this though this was real >_<

René Auriel Friedrich

I Really love the idea with the E

Storm Young

Thought her next ult would instantly make the player select a tank.. damn maybe next time

Heidi Todd

FINALLY a mercy we can believe in.

Stav Edri

I always wanted an ability to drain my life/spam voice lines! Great change Jeff!

Caiti Stark

Hi Jeff. I have some concerns...Yeah for some reason I still can’t fully charge ult. I get stuck on 99% which then leaves me in a rage because you know... the uninstall is really what I’ve been aiming for. Please send help...

Josh Parmentier

I just ran through my placements, I had to play mercy for like 6 of the games because I've been away for about a month and I'm a shitter now. Anyways, I died a total of 12 times across those 6 mercy games, of course all victories. She's still op, you just have to use cover and not fundamentally suck at the game.

I placed 1767, I'm running to the store later today to pick up a pack of dorcos before I run the warm bathwater for myself.

Brodie Okami Louise

Isabel Ann

Adrian Avelar

Hey guys it's Overwatch from the Jeff team

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