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Xbox One Hey everyone. I'm looking for a few good people to join up with our tribe on official...


Rio Satire

Hey everyone.

I'm looking for a few good people to join up with our tribe on official xbox PVP Ragnarok.

I don't care about your age, sexual orientation, nationality, etc. As long as we can have some common level of communication we will be good.

We accept people of all skill levels who want to have fun and play the game. Do note, we are not an alpha tribe on any server and we don't pretend to be.

A few of the "deal breakers" that we've come across are as follows

--If you're 16 and sound like you're a 12 year old with a bad cough, don't expect to be in the regular admin+ chat unless you need something specific or over time we start to actually like you and just deal with your voice. (We know you can't help it but we can't help not liking it. Yes, we're kind of dicks like that)

--Every tribe or individual is totally allowed to make their own home in the space provided within our controlled region (or elsewhere if you really really really want to) Your possessions are yours, you may leave with your tames if you so choose, and yes even if I kick you I will still probably give you your tames. (I had a guy freak out about ghille suits this week and had to kick him. He got to leave with his 2 200+ griffs and breeder argentavis.)

--I will reflex kick you if I don't trust you or I find you too irritating or brash to play with. I do not allow people to rejoin the tribe 99% of the time.

--I honestly don't really care what you like to do. Since everyone has their own way of playing I know that there will be something you like to do and some things you don't want to do. We do not piggyback off of others. If you want to kill alphas, make the bullets, find them, and ride the tames. Don't ask others to just casually message you and wait for you all the time to do things with. I'm not going to ask for grinders here because I for one somewhat hate the grind but I do it because my dodo's need their thatch huts to play in.

--Community tames are community gains. Getting them killed is a big deal and needs to be fixed in the fastest way possible.

--There is a ranking system and yes we do utilize it. No, you will not get admin privs and every unlock code after a week of playing with us. That just won't happen, so please don't bother asking. You will be rewarded rank as you require it.

--Please don't feed our dinosaurs to theezi's, troodons, or wyverns. For the love of god I cannot express enough how many random tames of ours get killed by people being foolish.

--Everyone is the same rank upon starting, and generally the admins are in their own chat. There are different tiers of chats that you may or may not gain access to over time. This includes alliance and facebook connections also.

--We're a built tribe but by no means amazing, we've got a few turrets and tames but if you're wanting to join and leave with 11 wyverns, sorry to disappoint you.

--We're American.

--I work for a living as do other current tribe mates. There will be times that you're online by yourself. That just happens.

--Red tags are dead tags. Our server is alliance controlled and upon seeing intruders we recommend you ask the alliance first before wiping them. But to non-alliance people we are generally hostile and raiding is allowed and encouraged on uninvited server goers. Just remember to ask first.

I'll add more ticks as messages come in or I get some in the comments below.

Daramon Ulberg Ngau-Chun

If you're still looking I'm keen

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