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Hello! This is my rare POTG. I know you like it of course. Something like "hide and...

  • Thread starter Tereza Bauerová
  • Start date

Andy Tran

Not bad! Keep it up. We all start somewhere and honestly most of the people bashing on you are probably in silver and gold anyways. I was silver when I started and now I'm masters and maiming widowmaker. Best advice I can give you is join a widowmaker headshot only custom room and learn how to aim and do hook shots once you're confident enough :)

Elisa Torrini

I'm sorry to tell you that you have to improve your aim, I suggest you to wait a lot before playing widow in competitives

Emily Potter

At first I was like aw you go girl, still better than any time I try to pick up a DPS but then all the people calling bait I don't know how to feel so if this is legit you have potential keep it up! If it is bait shame on you.

Jacob Katsuragi

English machine broke

Lanie Hasemeyer

Learn to flick and aim faster before thinking of going to comp with her •-•

Ana Arteaga

Um... that's it? Two kills? I can't tell you anything based off this clip alone. It's just two kills, two very slow kills. Most comp matches are fast paced and aren't this chill at all. Unless the other team is dumb (and depending on which rank you're on), by the slowness of your shots/mobility you'll be jumped by a Winston or Dva before you can even land the second shot, and that's if a flanker hasn't gotten in your face and erased you already. Of course, this applies only if you're actually serious and this is a genuine question, because I frankly can't tell lmao.

Ana Arteaga

Um... that's it? Two kills? I can't tell you anything based off this clip alone. It's just two kills, two very slow kills. Most comp matches are fast paced and aren't this chill at all. Unless the other team is dumb (and depending on which rank you're on), by the slowness of your shots/mobility you'll be jumped by a Winston or Dva before you can even land the second shot, and that's if a flanker hasn't gotten in your face and erased you already. Of course, this applies only if you're actually serious and this is a genuine question, because I frankly can't tell lmao. There's just no way you can be serious...?

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