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Xbox One Hello fellow “Ark-ians”! I am in search for a new server. I just have some very...


Kyle Gipson

Hello fellow “Ark-ians”! I am in search for a new server. I just have some very specific prerequisites. First and foremost, I like rules on a server. I think rules and restrictions help to keep the server fair and unlike official where the alpha constantly raids all the day. My prerequisites are as follows:

ORP with at most an hour timer.

Normal Structure damage

Raid repetition grace period (Tribes can’t be raided for X amount of time after they’ve been raiding)

At least 10 stone pickup (I would prefer this exactly because it helps keep the server from moving too fast and everyone in tech)

+25 Health
+50 Stam
+250 weight
+10 fortitude
+3.5 melee
+3.5% movement speed

I would prefer a little more weight for dinos. Probably still +250

I would also EXTEREMLY like rules against wiping bases and/or a majority of Dino’s. (I understand wiping stegos and quetzals as they can be use to retaliate, but don’t be a jerk and kill Ankys and Doeds)

I don’t care about passive that much because I understand it’s a difficult rule to implement but I like not having my babies killed.

If your server meets my likes please either PM me or comment below! If it doesn’t meet my minimums I probably won’t bother to read all of your comment!

Holly Moore

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But you won’t know if it doesn’t meet crit til you try it...
This one should tho.. only thing I don’t have is ORP. A close second being I turn the server off at 12AM and bring it back around 7AM. Except weekends where we’re going for 24 hours.

Holly Moore

Check the pinned post anyway, it should have what you’re looking for.

Lea Marie Lynch

Your not playing on justanarkserver no more ??

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