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Switch Has anybody played golf story? What's the deal with the Frisbee game. I now have to...


Liam Scott

Has anybody played golf story? What's the deal with the Frisbee game. I now have to get rid of the Frisbee kids before I can get into the club house. I just can't land the Frisbees. I've looked on YouTube I've googled it and can't see a comprehensive tutorial. Please help.

Dan Benton

If remember, the controls are weird for it. Left and right on the analogue stick are left and right relative to whichever direction the frisbee is travelling. It's easy once you get used to it

Lee Davies

It controls a bit like a top down racer

Cristhian Villagran

The controls start from where you are looking for, if you are looking completely to the left, up will be your right and down will be the left direction

Joe Burnham

I'm intrigued by Golf Story. On the surface it doesn't sound that appealing, but i've heard great things and it definitely seems unique

Spen Jones

Yes you have to move the controller the correct way. Hard at first but easy once you get the hang of it.

Trevor Verhelst

Think of the frisbee as a remote control car. Pressing right on the joystick makes the frisbee move to the right of the direction it's currently flying in. For example, if you're going up, right makes you go towards the right side of the tv. If you're going left, right makes you go towards the top of the tv. If you're going down, right makes you go to the left side of the tv.

It's not a frisbee, it's a remote control car.

Ryne Santos

That was so frustrating with no instruction, but it was super easy once you figure it's only just left and right. I loved that game!

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