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Funniest thing you ever did in overwatch? For me it was playing as Reinhardt with a...


Shinji Heilemann

Funniest thing you ever did in overwatch?

For me it was playing as Reinhardt with a friend who played Lucio and there was a tracer constantly sitting in our backline and beeing ignored by everyone, so Lucio turned his speedboost on and i went stomping after that Tracer, surprising her so much that she actually wasted her blinks while shooting me, thinking i would give up chasing her after the blinks, but then she realized we where seriously out for getting her and so we played "catch me if you can" for half the map.

Jay Brendan Austria

did she dieded?

Μάριος Ρουγγέρης

playing 6v6 as phara and throwimg all of the enemy team into he well

Surreal East

yes. i throwed and trolled first round, then i left the gaem. ez tears

Ryan Whitted

I was playing comp on Nepal on Sanctum with a couple of friends. I was playing Winston and the enemy team pushed left near the edge of the map. I popped primal to get easy boop kills. The enemy Rein charged my friend as I threw him off of the map. The only thing I saw was a rein soaring through the air and flew off the map. I couldn't stop laughing

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