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PC DAMMIT! I'm so sick of players who're lvl 20 or higher and still don't know how to...


Shalley Harsh

most annoying when you are trying to turn the taken one heroic and they destroy the blight shield and you just stand there like: dude i needed that blight. i was going in and out of it for a reason

Danny Caldwell

I have been there before , but actually. If you are grinding PE then most likely you will notice the same group jumping to them. It is much easier to drop a whisper , and get everybody on the same page rather than blindly hope everybody knows what they are doing. Lvl 25 power 326 , and I got that way by myself solo which means I had to learn. The majority of the problem is higher ranked automatically think every body knows whats going on , and or do not care to take the time to help. Some would say the inability to properly use chat is worse than one not knowing how to trigger Heroic. This is the difference in leaders , and followers. Try sending them a message dude. You might make some friends , and from what I have found many of these players are just as good as vets even though they might need tips in this area. What I am saying is dont be mad about it if you refuse to drop a message , and atleast try to rectify the issue. You would be almost as much to blame if you refuse to say something.

Đinh Tuấn Kiệt

i dont even know Heroic Public Event even i know tks to this post...i had read a page on internet and it really helpful (sorry for my poor english)
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James Tuttle

If only there was a way to communicate to the people not on your fire team....

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