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Switch Can someone explain to me why so many people were upset when a core pokemon title...


Madison Garcia

Can someone explain to me why so many people were upset when a core pokemon title wasn't initially announced for Switch, and why Nintendo is working so hard to push the Switch as it's new mobile platform? It doesn't really make sense to me.

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Because we want a console quality Pokemon game..

D.T. Stroschein


Bella Hale

At E3 they said the switch is getting one. We just need to wait.

Adam Locke

Those are two questions. I cannot answer the first.

As for the second; Nintendo has always been the king of handheld. Now, they are unifying that with a home console in a way that is novel. Once again they are stepping to the side instead of continuing a headlong rush along with competitors.

PS 5 or whatever will have absurd graphics capability, but you will still be sitting alone at home.

Nintendo has always favored rooms full of people and this has always been a good choice. Now, they have simply expanded what kinds of rooms you might join those people in.

Spencer Miller

Because Pokémon is probably the second or third most popular Nintendo series (Mario is number one and excluding smash and Mario kart zelda could be number 2) and the console is part portable. It could be cheaper for them to not worry about fees for working on another console and they can only focus on the one too which means more games for the switch. Plus, in Japan, the portable consoles are always more popular so the switch will do very well there.

Ross Folk

I think they will do a 3ds and switch crossover game but to me I have both so wherever the next Pokemon game gets I will get it

Benjamin Sullivan

Nintendo isn't pushing the Switch as their new mobile platform. They have said repeatedly that it is a console that you can take anywhere.

Jacky Middle Leong

Better graphic quality, good battle visual experience, these are many players' dream since old day. Now switch is a home console, but also a fully portable handheld, it can do anything a handheld can do, but with more power. It only make sense Nintendo will want to invest on this beast.

Jonathan Patimo

fans create illusions of remakes out of pure nothingness then gets angry at GameFreak when that illusion is shattered

Ben Sheppard

I don't understand why this question is being asked... a Pokémon title has been announced, so it doesn't matter if it wasn't initially. That doesn't make sense to me.

Rob Weick

Because no one cares about Pokémon.

Ryan Morrison

Because they built up the idea in their head too much. They thought they were going to get something based on no evidence and when they didnt get it they were upset. It is always best to go into a Nintendo Direct with no expectations. The reason a main line game got announced at E3 with absolutely no information is due to the whiners complaining. It was a "shut up, its coming" message.

Owen Gregory

I can understand why people may be upset because we didn't see anything at E3 but these things take time but if I had to guess I would say they are remaking one of the older titles

Duane Howard

I think even nintendo are struggling to decide how to push the switch now. Because almost nobody goes out in groups to the park and get there switch out

Matt Evertson

A few reasons.

1. We didn't have Pokémon ultra sun and moon announced yet.

2.People were wishfully hoping "stars" or "eclipse" would debut on the switch.

3. Data miners found evidence that a higher resolution game had been developed along side sun and moon. People were hopeful it was evidence of a switch launch title given the load of extra time between sun and moon and switch launch.

It would have been a bad choice to do so. If Nintendo had done that, significantly less of us would have Nintendo switches as demand would have been significantly higher.

Nintendo is being ambiguous and cautious about pushing it as their main mobile platform as it could reduce sales of 3ds devices and games if people feel they're investing in a dead or dying platform. "I'll wait for the switch version!"

Automakers have that exact problem when a new version of a car is being released. If 2017 is the last model year before a complete redesign, sales drop through the floor as lots of people wait for the new model.

Zachary Moore

Idk why people are upset at all. There is an official Pokémon RPG in the works. It's official.. just be patient there are plenty of games coming out between now and then, specially if you have other consoles.

David Low

Why Nintendo is working so hard to push the Switch as it's new mobile platform?

Because it is? What a stupid question.

Dis Guey Jay

I wish, all focus would be on the switch because my hype/love for the handhelds have long died, the only time i ever actually touch it is for pokemon, even then these days Pokemon can't even make me pick up my DS anymore. T-T Switch is just ultimately better and this is coming from a guy that would take his DS everywhere XD

Jason Cameron

Because pokemon is massively popular, because the Switch is the perfect system for a pokemon title that could drive sales and convince 3DS and 2DS owners to buy a Switch, and because the Switch IS, by definition, Nintendo's new portable consoles. It's portable and it's a console.

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