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Bloody hell Widowmaker mains how do you do it? We were struggling to get first point...

  • Thread starter Brandon Frank Lane
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Brandon Frank Lane

Bloody hell Widowmaker mains how do you do it? We were struggling to get first point on Temple of Anubis. They have no hit scans, no pharah, basically nothing to disrupt a Widow firing from far away. So I change Widow. 'y u troll?' is the message I get from the Mcree that hasn't killed anything yet. Three picks, no follow up, they change counter Widow and kill me. Then the really horrible messages came through. I got told to kill myself fam; I'm a sensitive flower I can't be dealing with that shit. I don't even wanna repeat some of the stuff that was said like you'd think I was a Nazi the amount of hate coming my way.

Mad respect too those Widow mains who put up with this crap.

Katie Harsh

You just leave the chat. Or prove them wrong. I had a toxic asshole in one of my games who was just saying shit like "widow if you switch we win" "widow get a pic and we win" then he starts talking about my old seasons(which were mid silver to low gold. I'm high diamond/low masters now) he was just being rude. Then I got play of the game and he shut up.

Gavin Hammerberg

I don't understand why people get so shitty over a fucking game lol like i get it shit can be frustrating sometimes but like attacking someone and telling them to kill themselves is just overboard.

Matt Petit

People can be pretty toxic with this game.

Mika Stevana

The worst is when you can’t tell if they’re mocking you. I was literally just playing a game and they kept saying my username and mentioning very one of my deaths and laughing and stuff during the match and I got play of the game for ulting and killing two people and immediately going back to healing (rare, honestly my proudest moment) and then when I got my card for 20,348 healing, they all shouted “Fuckin mikandcheeese!” over the mic and voted me over themselves.

Overwatch is weird.

Mika Stevana

The worst is when you can’t tell if they’re mocking you. I was literally just playing a game and they kept saying my username and mentioning very one of my deaths and laughing and stuff during the match and I got play of the game for ulting and killing two people and immediately going back to healing (rare, honestly my proudest moment) and then when I got my card for 20,348 healing, they all shouted “Fuckin [my username]!” over the mic and voted me over themselves.

Overwatch is weird.

Kirby Harris

Leave chat. Or mute everything.

I know it’s a team game, but when even ur team is against you, at least Play for urself. You don’t owe anyone anything. You don’t even know them.

Chandre Forsbakk

If you Play Widow below Gm you will Get hate for it. Truth

Bim Barbieto

Was playing a few rounds of quickplay and kept getting wrecked by a couple widows

Bim Barbieto

Also, there are some kids who take this game way too seriously, even on quick play.

John Sutherland

What were you before change?

Tudor Alexandru

Just leave the chat, its the best way, mute em all and play, i picked Symm on attack last night and a guy started raging for no reason, we had a 3 men premade who told him to shut it even after we got the first checkpoint he kept it on, mute em and play

Maya Siegmeyer

You get it with all the off-meta or hard to play characters ;; people usually think if they can't play them well, no one can.

Taylyn Anastasia Powers

As a Widow main: literally just takes tough skin. You could have gold elims and damage, over 50% accuracy... And you'll still get shit for it. Just takes a lot of toughening up. It sucks. (I cry a lot.)

Romy Hatake

(widow main 130 plus hours) I usually finish with Gold elims and push as much as I can, that usually shuts the shitty people up. Though, I always know when I'm doing shitty and switch. I guess people should do that with every character anyway, but if people are truly shitty, I just emote at them.

Luke Wright

Just gotta stick to your guns. I just ignore them, then when my card comes up I'll be like "Who wasn't doing anything?".

As well as HOPE the potg system chooses one of the good moments. Like I've been flamed at before for picking widow and someone's like "Our widow just got carried" then the potg system will show me getting 4 very quick flick headshots and someone else is like "I think we just got carried".

Best moments are where they say it over the match talk, then someone from the other team shuts that person down. it's good when someone else from the game on either team notices you did well. I have previously had before (only once) someone say in team chat that I sucked and got carried but at the same time I had someone from the other team say I was really good which shut them up.

Widow is a hard hero to play only because of the hate she can get. People just being an asshole to you can tilt you and make you play alot worse.

Paul Mackie

the people dont know you so hate mail has no meaning other than you kniw the other teammates are salty... laugh at the guy x

Jayden Woodman

nothing is enough for us widow mains, I’m heading onto 70 hours, my friend has 106 and this is what happens every game. It’s gotten to a point I just laugh at it now, because I know I’m doing good and their usually trash. brush off and laugh at them, be the bigger person and just report and dont talk shit back ‍♂

James Fennell

Symmetra gets so much shit, its unreal

Victor Carrillo

You sound like you need a hug buddy

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