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Xbox One ArkNessMonsta Nitrado Servers: 1. Aberration PVE 2. BRAND NEW Ragnarok PVP/PVE (2...


John Mason


Nitrado Servers:
1. Aberration PVE
2. BRAND NEW Ragnarok PVP/PVE (2 player per tribe max - single player PVP is possible here)

-2 active admins who have been playing the game since it came to Xbox and 2 assistant admins(these servers are here to stay)!
- both maps include a CC and aberration PVE has multiple public crafting stations and forges.
-Dodo ball court
-Battle darts arena
-dodo fighting arena
-horse racing track with jousting area
-Scavenger hunts, Red Rain, and many more events
-prizes include nice loot, harder to tame dinos, and dinos not found on the map that you're playing, not including fliers on aberration.

Everyone on the server is friendly and helpful, and we are looking to grow the population to 20 each server to allow for more competition with events. Experienced builders will love this server, and we'd love to have you! A starter pack will include metal tools, a pike, and a Ravager on Aberration, or a Saber or wolf on Ragnarok. Joining our discord is required if joining, because this is how we primarily communicate on the server (restarts, shenanigans, etc).

The servers are light-to-medium boosted.

Player max level - 100
Wild dino max level - 150
Stats per level for players - 3x
Stats per level for tamed dinos - 2x
Taming - 5x
Harvest - 3x
Food and water drain - .25
Egg hatch - 30x
Loot quality - 5x
Fishing - 5x
Baby mature - 30x
Infinite weight

We are all Ark freaks, and would love to have great company while we satisfy our addiction. Come join us!

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