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Xbox One Ark Server Est Fun in Games


Steven Rudd

You should put a line in the middle and do paintball using tranq darts

Robert Larocco

GAMERTAG: Ark server est
Taming 5 kib18min 1:17min berry/veg beaver
Map Center
Gathering 5
Crop growth 2.5 ( build a greenhouse)
Resource respond 2.1
Player weight 1point = 300
Full-time PVP
Egg Hatching 10.0
Mature 1.8
Mating 18 (1:17.41)
Poop inter 3.1
Cave flying: on
Player harv smh 0.6
Dino hp regen 3.0
Player hp regent 3.0
Player food water drain 0.6
To get in this server you must be part of the Facebook group.

Rules in
1.Clean your trash: all broken down buildings are to be removed by the tribe that owns them Or face massive wipe across the board by the Admin.

2. bashing the server publicly in chat or any other public site will get you immediately banned from the server.
3 The community center it's not a safe spot to hide in PvP. It is a none PVP zone
4. Absolutely no brontosauruses are allowed.( could change on (Ragnarok)
5. We are equal opportunity server discrimination against someone's sexuality, religion, or where they are from or Race, will immediately be ban.
6. Inappropriate names you will be asked to change it.
7. People who don't have Facebook make a fake one take a screenshot of your Xbox gamertag and apply it as your photo. Simple fix.

1. Owner: Admin1981
2. beardedark
3. BoogieMantt1974

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