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Xbox One Any other Boosted servers that wanna cluster with a Rag Server we have 32 people on a...


Letandre Colton

Any other Boosted servers that wanna cluster with a Rag Server we have 32 people on a day Server is mostly capped

Brayden Zedd

Don't do it, full of admin abuse. When someone finally gets better than them and cab raid them they will turn the server off to raise turret damage, whine that you spawn stuff even though they're the admins who spawn shit in and obviously suck at it hence why they had to offline, and dropped the turret damage hella. Than try and do the same thing to the last person the clustered with

Letandre Colton

You know things change I dropped the other 2 admins they went rogue and I found a new admin that will only hand out starters

Brayden Zedd

As long as Dominic and his cousin are on the server will be shit my friend. You had a great idea and settings that where ruined by that kid and his cousin. I had one of the admins tell that Dominic was pissed we raided Cheetos because he just spawned him in a bunch of shit. Nothing against you man.

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