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PC Any moderately boosted And moderately populated AUSTRALIAN servers? Having trouble...


Brett McKechnie

Any moderately boosted And moderately populated AUSTRALIAN servers?
Having trouble connecting to EU server we joined.

Have all maps. Prefer Rag. Been here since beta, new to unofficial.

Brett McKechnie

Would like S+, AA and stacks primarily.

Lee Ferris

My servers are based in melb mate

Bradley Chalmers

NEW CLUSTER. come join the Dinoriders cluster
after getting a new server tower computer im ready to get my cluster up and running again!!!

only a 2 people playing at the moment. none have reached level 20 yet
all official maps are up and running.
pvp with ORP after 15 mins.

These clusters are built around using the zero to hero mod. its a huge rebalance mod that changes and balances out dinos. trikes stegos and anks are now end game mounts. ever wanted to do bosses with other dinos apart from rexes? now you can.

public stargates will be placed at a obalisk on each map. once players can craft their own they can teleport from the obaslik to their base for easy map traveling. be sure to secure your gate though as other playres may invade your base trough the gate if you decide to build one.

free travel between maps ( dinos items and player. ) Abberation howerver does not allow non native animals to join. you can still take your drake to the island for a holiday then come back to abberation.

flyers are allowed in caves along with building but please no blocking of resources and entrances.

just getting started but i would love to eventully get a friendly community going. any creative builders out there want to build community centres / villages?

1x Experience
5x egg hatch
10x maturation
2x cuddle
2x cuddlegrace
5x time
5xharvest with additional multipliers for black pearls

mods are below
1 naturalism 2
2 medieval strucutres
3 medieval tavern
4 death helper
5 pet finder
6 bridge mod
7 light controller
8 structures plus
9 pillars plus
10 platfroms plus
11 eco stable
12 dino patrol system
13 saddle emporium
14 zero to hero
15 utili skins
16 mud train one
hope to see some of you there.

The Island

Scorched Earth



The Center

Beau Martin

I don't have trouble at all and there always off line haha it's the beat

Beau Martin


Scott Bartels

Search AUS-AnnunakiPVP-100XALL, on pc, 19 mods, all that you mentioned you'd like, 3rd day in from wipe and into the 20ish numbers for players, new server, fun and fair admins, no dodgy shit and pvp events at our purpose built pvp arena for shop points!

Mariah Anne Szekely

Please check us out. I have people all over the world. From Belgium and Europe and many other places. We all enjoy just playing building and having fun. Kevin And Amy can contest to this.

Chris Spann


Alexander Burton

New server been recently wiped after a period of testing. we're pvp mainly but have some decent pve elements if thats your sort of thing. its a good time to start off new.
if you wanna pvp then we got some fights to be had ;)

Shazza Thompson

We are trying to build population on our cluster server.
Aberration and ragnarok. Most of us have commitments so cannot always spend all day playing ark. Friendly pvp. Rates are pretty good do gathering isn't so much of a chore. Have the mods your want plus more. Pm me for more information

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