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Ana is my favorite character but my friend keeps on telling me she's underpowered as a...


Toni Conge

Ana is my favorite character but my friend keeps on telling me she's underpowered as a support. What do you guys think?

My friend says Zenyatta is a better support and while I think they're equal characters I feel Ana does a better job healing and Crowd Controlling which Zenyatta balances with his damage.

Chris Johnson

Mercy and zen both kinda do more than ana

Nelson Dunn

I personally think ana is the best support

Drew Franko

Ana is fucking beast mode and by far the best healer of solo target.... her nano wins ult fights that win team fights that win games... her sleep shuts down soo many ults.. the nade is stupid good. She is a skill based zen is easier to get utility out of with discord but his healing out put is garbage.. he also has a skill shot Insta kill tho....

Mercy is better if you are not good with ana...

Honestly go Lucio if you learn how to wall ride he is by fsr the best and most fun support to play

Stephanie Fufu Lody

Ana is most effective but also has highest skill cap

Vivian Viola

Ana is my favorite as well, she does MASSIVE support for her team with CC/sleep darts, anti-healing on enemies, and nano boosts that win team fights. I mostly love how you don’t have to get close to people to heal or help finish off enemies, just need line of sight, which is VERY useful when you have flankers or teammates that don’t want to group up.

Tbh I can’t say much about Zenyatta, I damn near never see him in QP. I think that he’s a good DPS support but he can’t solo heal, as soon as a team fight starts he can’t heal quickly enough to keep people alive. I do wish I saw him in games more though.

Kei Sinclair

The current "new meta" is zen + mercy ever since the mercy revamp. It use to be lucio + ana.

Ana bionade and ult are all great and anas bionade can counter zens ult effect.

But she needs to consistently have line of sight. Alot of aiming. Zen does Not and he can provide discord as and when without aim. Overall dps outweighs his mehh healing which mercy can take care off.

But ana is still a great pick if u are gd at it. Just that mercy+ ana is "not a good pick" either or... So zen.. but then again, we are not world champions so who cares.

John Wright

Ana is a primary healer and should only really be compared with Mercy.
Zenyatta is an off-healer and should only be compared to Lucio.

Mercy is really popular now which is why Ana seems less good. You can't outheal stupid, but you can res it. As deathball formations come back to counter the spam meta, Ana will probably see life, if only that Nano/Visor and Nano/Blade are basically team wiping combos that Soldier/Genji and Ana can put together pretty fast.
Ana also takes more skill to use than Mercy. I won't insult Mercy mains by saying she's easy to play, but Ana is definitely more difficult by far to get good value from, but if you can, it's there. Sleep dart on the right target is a win condition for a fight by itself, as is the anti healing grenade. You just have to land them, which isn't nearly as easy as rubber band flying to a target and holding down left or right click.

Jeff Robbins

zen takes the upperhand in this meta due to his ability to fend off flankers more effectivly and also his defensive transcendence ult is much better for situations graviton.

Carlos Rangel

It’s just ana is completely overshadowed by mercy rn. You have to be 4x the ana player of your sr to be viable

Brandon Dix

Ana isn't in a good place in the meta after the mercy rework. Too much focus on killing mercy to not have discord orbs on her. I had to drop lucio this season becuase there's better choices

Vynyl Shiro

Ana has the best healing rate in the game and is the most skill demanding healer. As a Zen main, Ana shits on Zen any day of the week on every category except for the kill factor, obviously.

Justice Arias

Ana is the Hanzo of supporta

Kai Lewandowski

Zen is more of an offensive healer. He’s def not a main healer. Ana and Mercy are really the only main healers while the others are secondary.

Ikce Toutcourt

There's 2 heavy healer, mercy and ana.
Mercy advantage is mobility and easy dps pocket , ana advantage is her ability that make her good at offense and defense.

As for zen and lucio, their ult make them good at denying ult..
Zen is awesome for squishy support as he can heal from a great distance and discord target for dps.
Lucio is more useful as a stall and get your teambout of trouble and push away annoying thing like mei..

In my team we never solo heal, there's always a heavy heal and a 2nd heal. Even if we only have 1 tank.
We switch support comp depending on what we need.

Dps have to switch to counter or he effective against enemies comp, so does support..

Ana is by far the best overall support in the game imo..

Eric Habbershaw

Ana is the best -Healer- in the game but requires much more skill when compared to Mercy who is the second best -Healer-.
Zenyatta is a good -Support- Character and would be closer to Soldier 76. But 76 has more powerful healing and oddly enough Zenyatta deals more damage.

Soldier is also similar to Lucio when it comes to healing(Lucio heals slightly more but not much more) and Soldier does slightly more damage than Lucio (but not much more)

Binx Bumstead

Ana is a good burst healer and definitely good with crowd control. Not a must pick, but useful in many ways. Zen is DPS with healing meant for diving/flankers and can turn the tide in a teamfight with well placed discord orbs.

Angelo Ignacio

Ana is not underpowered. It depends on the situation which support will do the best. Like, say, Ana will do great against immobile comps like Bastion, Ori, Mei, etcetera. Plus, you have burst heals! The only reason you will pick Mercy is for her additional mobility if you don't wanna sacrifice healing power for picking Lucio.

Mélissande Osaki

Ana is not as good as it used to be before. Right now Zenyatta is way more in the meta and has way more impact. I'm master main Ana and i used to play Ana almost everygame , fact is that even if you play good you dont have enough impact to carry your team , while with Zen you can save an entire team by doing the minimal. :l Also Zenyatta has way more burst than Ana and can solo kill most characters , including annoying winston. So id stay go for Zenyatta and wait for Ana's up for the moment.

Mackinzie Boggs

Ana has croud control?

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